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Skyrim completely dead - Not launching.


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The game was working fine yesterday, installed one mod before playing today and the game won't launch. Deleted the archive for that mod, a few others that I didn't need, restarted a few times and uninstalled and reinstalled the game, but nothing has worked. Any help would be appreciated.

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If you want to verify if a mod is causing it, use the "Purge" option on the mods tab and then try opening the game.


Skyrim not launching is often caused by:

1) An out of date SKSE plugin.

2) Attempting to load a BSA from 2011 Skyrim in Skyrim SE.

3) Missing masters in old Skyrim (Vortex will warn you of this).


There are many other possible reasons, but if it's not directly cause by Vortex, the knowledgeable people in the Skyrim support forum should be able to help.

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