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Vortex deleting modified plugins ?


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  1. Install mod, enable mod, deploy mod, yay!
  2. Clean mod with TES5EditQuickAutoClean.exe because Vortex says LOOT says you should. Or sort the masters in TES5Edit. Important thing is that you have made some sort of change to the plugin outside of Vortex.
  3. Deploy! After all, Vortex needs to know about your changes.
  4. Tell Vortex to use the shiny new file(s).


For me the first four steps are the same, but the fifth is me launching Skyrim and while loading a save, I'm told that the modified files I just told Vortex to save are gone.



Can't recreate that either. I launch the game and load a save from before I modified the plugin just fine.


Can you provide more specifics about:


Which mods and plugins your are using (and what game)?

What are you using the modify the plugin (specific version of the external tool would be helpful)?

What edit are you making in the first place?

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Can't recreate that either. I launch the game and load a save from before I modified the plugin just fine.


Can you provide more specifics about:


Which mods and plugins your are using (and what game)?

What are you using the modify the plugin (specific version of the external tool would be helpful)?

What edit are you making in the first place?



Right, so first of all this problem started with version 0.18.16. Skyrim SE is currently the only game I actively use Vortex for. SSEEdit is what I use to modify files and the version for that is 3.2.1.


So I edit an esp file, make backups of those edited files and the next time Vortex deploys files it asks the usual "Things have changed, what to do?". Choosing use newer or save changes will result in deletion of those modified files. They are just gone from the data folder at this point. Vortex still says that the mod is installed and every other file from the mod, besides the esp, is still there. I copy the backups back to the data folder and the next time Vortex deploys, it's the same thing. Didn't make a difference if I was enabling a mod which caused the auto deployment or if I was manually deploying.


It didn't seem to matter which mods I were modifying. This file deletion happened four times in a row, but on the fifth time things changed a bit. I enabled a mod with Vortex and the prompt for what to do with modified files pop ups again and this time it didn't delete the files. What it did instead is put the mod I just enabled and all the modified files it was asking about to the very bottom of the load order. None of those mods should have been there and manually sorting afterwards put them in their right place. At that point I downloaded an older version of Vortex (0.18.12) and that one had no issues with dealing with modified files.

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