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Hearthfire Release for PC: When and how?


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Is there any good information on when and how Hearthfire will be available for PC? I love the idea of actually building my own house from blueprints! :D

Blatent speculation:

Will it be the same as Dawnguard, a sudden blitz-release? (I hope not)......AARRGH! not again! :down:

Exclusively online like Battlehorn Castle for Oblivion? :(

Or, will it be available in stores, (I really hope) like KOTN+DLCs for Oblivion? :thumbsup:

Kind regards, AmadanBezerk

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Bethesda will almost certainly stick to their current pattern of strictly releasing DLCs through Steam. Hard copies cost them money to produce, while digital downloads don't have any manufacturing costs. A $5 DLC isn't worth the price of packaging, from their perspective.
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I do not think that Hearthfire will ever be released on disk. If you remember Oblivion GOTY, it only included Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. Not the other minor expansions such as player homes, mehrunes razor, and horse armor. So, Skyrims DLC pack with include all of the major expansions to the game. Dawnguard, in my mind, can be considered as an expansion due to the vast new content and multiple new world spaces that get to be visited. So, I believe Skyrim will have a GOTY Edition that reflects that of Fallout 3 and New Vegas.



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They better Not charge us for Hearthfire, since we got a Build your Own Home and Adopt a Child for FREE Mod. :pinch:


If you think they'll just give it away because we have mods, you're delusional. Can you think how mad the consolers would be? They'll probably charge us five dollars, and if you don't want to pay five dollars for it, we should just not get it and use the free mods. it's not like they're going to force us to buy it. ;)


I'm going buy it of course. *completionist*

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Still no release date? :(


They better Not charge us for Hearthfire, since we got a Build your Own Home and Adopt a Child for FREE Mod. :pinch:


Come on... are you going to cry for $5? :P

Mods are very cool, but the modders are not always available to update their mods or bugfix =/ And sometimes they need to abandon the project for some reason.

I still like and very much appreciate official addons and after watching the trailer, imo, it's worth the $5. :)


I loved that line from the uesp.net:

"Random animals may follow your children home, in which they will ask to keep as a pet. Confirmed animals so far: Skeever, Fox, Mudcrab, Rabbit, Frostbite Spider." haha

I bet my kids will want a snowy sabre cat as a pet :wub: . I also bet these cats won't follow my children... unless they are hungry.. :confused:

Edited by janaseca
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