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Darth Nihilus mask?


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I want to start this off by saying that while I do admittedly like Star Wars, I'm not fanatical about it. I'm not looking to turn Oblivion into a game full of evil Darth guys and light sabers and all that fun stuff. I want one simple thing.


You've probably seen the guy before. His name is Darth Nihilus.








This guy. Now, what I'm looking for is his mask. I know people sometimes put masks so that they equip onto amulets, but I like my amulet. If possible, make it so that it equips to something different altogether, saving rings and all that, so I can still use an amulet, hood and robes while I'm wearing the mask. There doesn't have to be a quest behind it, I just want the mask is all. Drop it in a crate somewhere, or a barrel, whatever you want XD I don't mind.


If someone wants to give the robes a shot, sure, but thats not what I'm looking for either. Besides, the robes would probably come out looking all glossy and midnight black. I'll just use the Dark Hand robes. :D


Anyone have any idea as to how long this would take, and how hard it would be? Or even if it already exists?


The only thing I can find negative about this is that there wouldn't be anything to cover the skin of the neck. It'd stand out against the robes and mask. Would that be possible, to add something to the mask that matched the color and tone of the Dark Hand robes that covered the neck with it..? XD

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Actually, that would be almost perfect. But the thing is, I don't think the entire Dark Hand, with the hoods, should have the mask. What I'm saying is, it shouldn't be vanilla for the entire games hood collection.


Maybe, someone could mod the hood and make it singular (to where it doesn't select the entire hoods population in the game, rather, just the one YOU get) and pop it into a barrel or make it for sell in a shop, you see what I mean? Its hard for me to put what I'm thinking into words because I'm not a modder and I have no idea how hard any of this could be.

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if you have the cs just change the slot of the mask from amulet to the tailslot - thats the one most people use for capes, masks, etc... downside is that npcs dont use it


the mask is in the masks mod you can find somewhere around here btw... (sry too lazy to check the link)

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I've looked for it several times under different names. I'll keep checking I suppose, but I doubt I'm going to find it. XD I've not found it yet. Anyways. I guess I'll go keep looking, eh?




I found one of the mods, called Armor of the Dark Lord, but thats not what I'm looking for. I don't want a full outfit, just the mask with something textured to match the Dark Hand robes to hide the neck area. That has gauntlets, a robe, the mask and boots. Using just the mask doesn't match the robes at all: its a much darker shade of black...ugh, this is confusing. XD

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You wanted the mask, you found a mod that has the mask and actually does a good job replicating it.




You can easily add this mask file (NIF) using the Construction Set.


As for the issue about the color of black not matching your set of clothing, you can also make this modification without too much hassle or experience. Use Paint.NET or GIMP (uploaded here at TESNexus) and open the DDS texture file. Lighten the black areas until you obtain the desired color and save the DDS file.


If you want to strip the mask from the head dress, well then, you'll just have to import it into Blender (also at TESNexus) and make the model modifications but it will be more involved than just deleting verticies. You'll need to "complete" the hidden parts of the mask, give it edges, update the UV Map and possible update the texture to include more painted area for the newly exposed pieces of the mask. Then you'll need to fix the rigging on the mask (unless you use the 0,0,0 coordinates which I would hate to try and position correctly). The last hurdle would be tackling the issue of a full-helm turning into an open-faced helm which is subject to the player's type and size of head (such as large beast-race heads) which is solved somewhat by the creation of .EGM files which takes a little bit of trial and error using the tool that creates it.



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armored masks

cloaks for masks

extravagant masks


and so on... just use the search function dude... enter masks or mask and you get tons of em...


Lol give him a break hes a newbie... But i have to agree, Use the search before you post or else you get drilled by people like Jaysus... (no offensice buddy, love ya!) It also help to search through google sometimes. (yes believe it...)

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