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Missing Masters? I have them though! NVAC issues


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Okay so maybe someone can help me out here.

So I recently did Wyre Bash and I decided that it didn't really do much. Even before I disabled it, I used the batch program to see what could be making my game CTD in exterior areas. All I got was this message:

02212021 _ NewVegasAntiCrash FalloutNV.exe

02212021 _ 03760000 07050000 nvac.dll

02212021 _ 0AC10000 05010040 nvse_1_4.dll

02212021 _ 77890000 0A0042EE ntdll.dll

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Advanced Recon Tech.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: FOOK - New Vegas.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: NVWillow.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Detect Traps.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Lings.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: UWHNV-Core.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Project Nevada - Core.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Military NV Backpacks.esm

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Armor by Race w Undies.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: FOOK-PN Convergence.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: WeaponModsExpanded.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Body By Race.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Unofficial Patch Plus.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: 1nivVSLArmors.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: NewAndImprovedPerks.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Bouncing Natural Breasts.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: housemod.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: Powered Power Armor.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: UWHNV-Addon-FollowerHome.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: LFox Bottle That Water.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: OldGhoulEye.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: FNNsysNV.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: WMX-DeadMoney.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp

02212024 ; MASTERFILE: Missing Masterfile: WMX-HonestHearts.esp

02212024 ; Unable to find masterfile: YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm

02212024 e 0046158A C0000005 FalloutNV.exe

02212024 ! _MISSING _MASTER_

02212030 V 03764976 80000003 nvac.dll

02212030 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe

02212030 ^ 0055E214 00000001 FalloutNV.exe

02212030 u 03764976 80000003 nvac.dll

02212030 ! CRASHSAV E_FAIL_0 FalloutNV.exe

So naturally, I turned off the Bashed Patch and tried to reenable the plugins. Only I keep getting that message every time. I've even been in the process of reinstalling each of these mods and that hasn't changed the message one bit. Is this something to do with Wyre Bash itself? Cuz I have each of these plugins enabled and I've checked to see if they are in my Data folder, which they are. So maybe someone can help me out because I'm literally about to nuke this PC.

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