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Still need to clean masters?


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So I am making another attempt at switching to Vortex from NMM. A lot simpler to just install the mods one at a time then importing them from NMM all at once. 400+ mods makes for too many rules to remember at one time.


Anyway, NMM/LOOT had you cleaning the master files for the DLCs and Update. However, when I go to look at them in Vortex on the Plugins tab when you double click to pull up the LOOT cleaning information, it doesn't say anything about needing to clean them.


Is this not required with Vortex? It would make my life simpler (I hated doing that), but I can't help but think I'm doing something wrong.


On a side note, in NMM I had about 237 of my 254 slots filled. So far on Vortex using the same mod list (minus a few stragglers I have yet to do - no more than 10), I am at 183 Active and 48 Light. I think I even added a few extra in there. I'm not complaining, just noting for those who may be on the fence about switching. If your constantly fighting with that 254 limit, this may be something to think about.

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So I am making another attempt at switching to Vortex from NMM. A lot simpler to just install the mods one at a time then importing them from NMM all at once. 400+ mods makes for too many rules to remember at one time.


Anyway, NMM/LOOT had you cleaning the master files for the DLCs and Update. However, when I go to look at them in Vortex on the Plugins tab when you double click to pull up the LOOT cleaning information, it doesn't say anything about needing to clean them.


Is this not required with Vortex? It would make my life simpler (I hated doing that), but I can't help but think I'm doing something wrong.


On a side note, in NMM I had about 237 of my 254 slots filled. So far on Vortex using the same mod list (minus a few stragglers I have yet to do - no more than 10), I am at 183 Active and 48 Light. I think I even added a few extra in there. I'm not complaining, just noting for those who may be on the fence about switching. If your constantly fighting with that 254 limit, this may be something to think about.

Place a txt file list of all the mods you use.

237 mods does not need to BE "237"


All plugins that are accompanied by addition plugins can be merged to reduce the over head, Or depending on how astute you are at modding reduced to 5 or less.


That's just ridiculous to do that because some people make "suggestions" in a web site log files containing said suggestions.


Loot follows a template, an instruction based on those suggestions. There is NO magic trick used in LOOT.

It's a sort order tool based on suggestions only and most of the time ends up wrong.


How do I know this ? rename the mods, each and every plugin by numerical fashion and test loot and see what happens.

Nothing, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and so on, it won't do anything.


No, it follows a template with a known listed settings of all mods that make the list by modders suggestions only.


Plain enough for you?

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Don't get me wrong. I'm definitely not complaining. It may just be a lack of my updating mods in NMM and now there are so many more that have standard ESL extensions now that I have re-downloaded them to upgrade to 1.5.80. I believe Even Better Quest Objectives changed to one today since I downloaded it.


Basically many of the plugins that Vortex say can be "Marked Light" on the Plugins tab, I'm doing. Except for SkyUI and a few others. Causes issues with a few mods. or so I've read. I hope I'm doing that right, but I guess I'll find out when I actually get in-game beyond Helgen.


Many of the mods Vortex seems to be automatically handling are indeed patches. Again, new to a lot of the functions since I last tried it, but it 'seems" to be going relatively smoothly. If I do run into any issues I'll post a list then, but I'm kind of stubborn and like to try figuring it out myself.


Did you happen to know anything about cleaning the game ESMs?

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OK. I was just going off the cleaning tutorial here: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/31060/guide-manual-cleaning-skyrim-and-skyrim-se-master-files


Can I safely assume that is "outdated" with Vortex and the newer SSEEdit?


It is still as valid as it ever was. If you use that guide - make sure you read the comments. Results vary.

I was speaking from my own experience - 4,000 hours in Skyrim and 700 in Skyrim SE. I never found the need to clean Bethesda Masters.

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So here is a list of all files Vortex is giving me the option to Mark Light (yeah, I was bored):

LIST OF MARK LIGHT MODs IN VORTEX. Sorry, I don't know how to pick those out separately in Vortex yet if you can, so its a wall of text. In NMM I never had over 40 but this is actually 70. I included the file name and mod they came from.



Amazing Follower Teaks SE – AFT_NoFriendly Spell Damage

Andromeda Convenient Hoses Patch.esp

Andromeda Convenient Horses Patch


Another Sorting Mod 2019-SSE


Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks

Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp

1.Atlas Map Markers


BAAB-Better Arrows and Bolts

Bashed Patch.esp


BetterQuestObjectives - BCS Patch.esp

Even Better Quest Objectives SE v1.8.3

BetterQuestObjectives - Namira for Good Guys Patch.esp

Even Better Quest Objectives SE v1.8.3


Even Better Quest Objectives SE v1.8.3


Even Better Quest Objectives SE v1.8.3


Even Better Quest Objectives SE v1.8.3


Even Better Quest Objectives SE v1.8.3

Blacksmith Forge Water Fix SE USSEP.esp

Blacksmith Forge Water Fix SE - USSEP


Illuminated Blue Palace Dome


Caliente’s Beautiful Body Enhancer – v1.5.3


Enhanced Ore Veins – 2K – 6.3

CL Nettlebane.esp

CL’s Ebony Weapon inclDSR files

Cutting Room Floor TKAA Patch.esp

The Kids Are Alright SE – Cutting Room Floor TKAA Patch


After the Civil War – Siege Damage Repairs

Diverse Skyrim - Provincial Courier Service.esp

WiZkid Patches Compendium ESL

Dragon Stalking Fix.esp

Dragon Stalking Fix

EBT - skyBirds Patch.esp

Enhanced Blood Textures SE

EEKs Dragonsreach - Mystic Condenser Patch.esp

EEKs Dragonreach – Mystic Condenser Patch

Fireball knockback.esp

Fireball Knock Back

Fixed body collision.esp

Fixed body collision


Low Resolution Particles


Get Snowy


8.4 A Quality World Map – Classic with All Roads

Immersive Dragon Sounds.esp

Immersive Dragon Sounds v4.3.1 _ Legacy All-in-One

Immersive Encounters TKAA Patch.esp

The Kids are Alright – Immersive Encounters TKAA Patch


Improved Closedfaced Helmets Patches – USSEP patch

Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp

Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch

Inconsequential NPCs TKAA Patch.esp

Inconsequential NPCs TKAA Patch SE


Infinite Shouts


Infinity Blade SE DS


Night Blade 1.0


Lucidity Sound FX v2u

Luminous Atronachs.esp

Luminous Atronachs - ESPLite


Mannequin Stay Put

mcgFemaleWalk for SkyrimSE.esp

mcgFemaleWalk for Skyrim SE


Magical College of Winterhold – McoW – Animated Clutter Patch


Magical College of Winterhold – McoW – Relighting Skyrim

Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp

Modern Brawl Bug Fix v104


moredragonloot ESL

Mystic Condenser - USSEP Patch.esp

Mystic Condenser 2.2 AIO

Nightingale Faster Cooldown.esp

Faster Nightingale Cooldown


Obsidian Weathers – True Storms Merged Compatibility


Obsidian Weathers – True Storms Merged Compatibility


Pandorable”s NPCs – Dawnguard SE - USSEP

Pick Best Arrow.esp

Auto-Equip Best Arrows

Player Blink Fix.esp

Player Blink Fix


Proper Aiming


QRVAE – Qwinns Refined Visual Animated Enchnts v1_0_0

QRVAE_ZIA Patch.esp

QRVAE – Qwinns Refined Visual Animated Enchnts v1_0_0

Qw_ACE_CRF Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_ArsMetallica_SMIM_MergedAll Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_BijinAIO_AIOverhaul Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_BijinAIO_CRF Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_BookCoversSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_PANNPCs_AIOverhaul_CRF Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_PANNPCsDG_AIOverhaul Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_RelightingSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

Qw_WACCF_OpenFaceGuardHelmetsSE Patch.esp

QUASIPC – Unified Patch Compendium v2_5_0

RaceMenu.esp – DO NOT MARK?

RaceMenu – RaceMenu Special Edition v0-3-5

RaceMenuPlugin.esp – DO NOT MARK?

RaceMenu – RaceMenu Special Edition v0-3-5

RBB - Realistic Water Two.esp

Realistic Boat Bobbing SE – Realistic Waters Two Patch

RDO - AFT v1.66 Patch.esp

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul – RDO SE – RDO – AFT SE Patch Final

RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul – RDO SE – RDO – CRF and USSEP Patches Final

RDO-FCO Patch.esp

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul – Follower Commentary Overhaul Compatibility Patch

RealisticWaterTwo - Waves.esp

Realistic Waters Two


Rich Skyrim Merchants


Run and Walk at your Pace


Multiple Floors Sandboxing

Savage Wolves - Feral Foxesx.esp

Savage Wolves - Feral Foxes

Settlements Expanded SE - Soljunds Sinkhole Patch.esp

Settlements Expands SE – Soljunds Sinkhole Patch

Settlements Expanded SE - Whistling Mine Patch.esp

Settlements Expands SE – Whistling Mine Patch

Settlements Expanded SE TKAA Patch.esp

The Kids Are Alright SE – Settlements Expanded TKAA Patch


Simple Auto Save Manager






Clear refracting icicle and FrostAtronach



Slof's Horses.esp

Slofs Asymmetrical Horses SSE

Smoking Torches And Candles.esp

Smoking Torches and Candles


Storm Wrath Lightning - SSE


True Storms - Minty’s Lightning Compatibility

Underwater Visibility Fix - RW2.esp

Underwater Visibility Fix – Realistic Water 2 Compatible


Visual Animated Enchants V.2


Another Sorting Mod 2019 SSE – ASM-SSE ESL Weapons and Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes



WayshrinesIFT - Great Forest of Whiterun Hold patch.esp

Skyrim Wayshrines – Immersive Fast Travel – SWIFT SE-SWIFT SE 3.2.3


The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold – Cutting Room Floor


Zim’s Immersive Artifacts – WACCF Patch ESPFE version


Sorry, a few of these are custom mods I made, so you can ignore the ones you're not familiar with. The four colored yellow I need to keep separate in a Wrye Bash patch or Vortex complains I didn't install them. The fifth says I haven't installed the patch for AI Overhaul, which I have, it is just the one QUASIPC chose for me with the CRF in it as well. I don't know what to do about that one. Select separate patches in QUASIPC manually?


I've read its a bad idea to change things lke SkyUI and Race Menu and the Bashed Patch, so I haven't. But are all the rest safe to change? And if I do, do I need to change them in SSEEdit, or is Vortex doing it when you request it?


Again, sorry for the wall of text.


As for cleaning, I've got one for, one against. Thus my confusion, because the community seems to be at odds on this one. I do know my game ran a lot better when they were cleaned in NMM, and didn't crash once during hours long quests. I don't know yet if Vortex plays nicely without them cleaned.


EDIT: Sorry. This was a table with the name of the mod across from the file. I guess posting it stripped the table out, so now one appears after the other.

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Another vote for cleaning here. Maybe you this already. But if you right click on a plugin (on the plugins tab), any associated LOOT message/warning will be displayed.

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Yeah, that's where I pulled this list from after double clicking on the mod esp name on the Plugins tab to get that side menu to come up. I just guess I'm looking for a confirmation I am doing things right before I completely fubar this install.

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