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T-Pose Issue in Vortex


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So I had a perfect setup with everything running and animating smoothly but I got greedy, added more animations and ruined it. I must have overwrote something I shouldn't have because I'm now at the full T-pose stage when I try a clean save or new game. I'm a long time modder but very new to Vortex and had a ton of trouble getting everything up and running and don't want to have to start over. The problem is rather than uninstall my new mod I went and tried reinstalling others to fix the problem only to make matters worse. Now when I go to reinstall anything I get asked if I want to permanently delete files rather than just change 'before' or 'after' load orders (which I barely understand and usually go with whatever is 'recommended').


In the past reinstalling the important files like FNIS, XMPS32 Skellies, or HDT stuffs would do the trick but not this time. I've skimmed through other topics and tried the standard issue fixes with no luck. There are no errors or warnings when I run FNIS. Reinstalling it or the above seem to change nothing but I may not be selecting the right options when they reinstall.

I'm hoping there's a simple fix like "reinstall this and set it to 'before' instead of 'after'". Is there any info I can provide that will help?

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LOAD BEFORE Means that if MOD X loads BEFORE MOD Y, then Mod X's textures and Meshes, skeletons, animations will be OVERWRITTEN by Mod Y's textures and Meshes, skeletons, animations

Load AFTER means that MOD X will LOAD AFTER MOD Y, and will OVERWRITE Mod Y's textures and Meshes, skeletons, animations



Think of the load order working downwards, everything flows downwards


So, let's say you have a mod high up in the load order (Mod A) that changes default textures and meshes,

those changes 'trickle down' through the mod list, and as long as there isn't another mod lower down in the list that changes those same textures or meshes etc, then those changes that MOD A made, will show up in the game.

Now, let's say you have another mod (Mod B) that overwrites the same textures and meshes that Mod A does but you have it low in your load order.

Now, Mod A texture and mesh changes trickle down through the load order until they get to Mod B, that changes the same textures and meshes, so, now Mod A is blocked, and the changes from Mod B show up in the game instead.

In that case the setting would be Mod B LOAD AFTER Mod A, -or- it could be Mod A LOAD BEFORE Mod B, either way, it's the same thing

Now, if you want MOD A's textures and meshes to overwrite Mod B's textures and Meshes, then you need to have Mod A LOAD AFTER Mod B, or have Mod B LOAD BEFORE Mod A (same thing)

Also, thanks to Vortex you DON'T have to reinstall, you can just change LOAD BEFORE to LOAD AFTER, Vortex will restore the files for you.
You only had to reinstall with NMM because NMM physically overwrote the files

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I did this with some mods for Oblivion that needed to be installed in a certain order.

Here's the installation instructions

Install order is:
- Blockhead
- Robert's Male Body replacer (delete the .esp file here; conflicts with OCO V2)
- OCO V2
- OCO V2 body replacers patches (Roberts Male Body replacer texture compatibility addon)
- CCC (This includes the files CCC 1.8 - Eyes, CCC 1.8 - Hair Meshes 1, CCC 1.8 - Hair Meshes 2, CCC 1.8 - Hair Meshes 3, CCC 1.8 - Hair Textures. You do not need the plugins file. Readme is optional)
- This mod. (Replace the .esp file from OCO V2 with this one).
- Rebuild bashed patch (Wrye bash users only)

Now, if I was using NMM to install these, I would've had to install them in that exact order, in order to ensure that NMM physically overwrote the correct files.

With Vortex, I installed the mods in any order I wanted, and once I was done installing, then I did the conflict management and told Vortex to (Compare the LOAD BEFORE and LOAD AFTER I used with the install order to see WHY I used LOAD AFTER and LOAD BEFORE)

Blockhead LOAD BEFORE Robert's, OCO v2, OCO v2 Body Replacer, CCC, and HGEC

Roberts LOAD AFTER Blockhead

Robert's LOAD BEFORE OCO v2, OCO v2 Body, CCC, HGEC

OCO v2 LOAD AFTER Blockhead, Robert's

OCO v2 Body, LOAD AFTER Blockhead, Robert's, OCO v2



See the pattern?

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Thanks, HadToRegister.


I understand Vortex's "before" and "after" perfectly now. Though I'm not sure I can find the tools to adjust them all manually. I've found "Manage Rules" up top but the list only includes a handful of the mods I believe may be causing the issue. Is there a way to go through everything and manually adjust their priorities via Vortex? Not that I'm even sure I know the problem - but at this point I'd like to try anything. All I know is everything was working perfectly and now it isn't. So using what I've already got to make it all work again should be a walk in the park.

Thanks for letting me know I don't have to reinstall everything repeatedly, that'll be a real time saver.


Out of curiosity, is there a general rule of thumb load order for Skyrim when using FNIS, XPMS, HDT, animations, ect. all together?

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Thanks, HadToRegister.


I understand Vortex's "before" and "after" perfectly now. Though I'm not sure I can find the tools to adjust them all manually. I've found "Manage Rules" up top but the list only includes a handful of the mods I believe may be causing the issue. Is there a way to go through everything and manually adjust their priorities via Vortex? Not that I'm even sure I know the problem - but at this point I'd like to try anything. All I know is everything was working perfectly and now it isn't. So using what I've already got to make it all work again should be a walk in the park.


Thanks for letting me know I don't have to reinstall everything repeatedly, that'll be a real time saver.


Out of curiosity, is there a general rule of thumb load order for Skyrim when using FNIS, XPMS, HDT, animations, ect. all together?



the Manage Rules screen allows you to Add your own rules, or delete rules by clicking on that Flathead Screwdriver Icon (the circle with the line)


Mind you, the Manage Rules screen only allows the LOAD AFTER rule, however, you can use the Butyton with the Two arrows, to swap the mods you'll have in the left and right boxes to make the other one load after the other


Say you have this set up in the Left Filter Box


MOD A, and in the right Box you have MOD B, and in the middle box you have LOADS AFTER, so now the screen says "MOD A must LOAD AFTER MOD B, but you actually want Mod B to LOAD AFTER MOD A, instead of typing in the first few letters of Mod B in the LEFT box, you can just hit that Button with the two arrows on it, and Vortex will swap Mod A and Mod B around, so now the screen will say "MOD B must LOAD AFTER MOD A"


Then you click APPLY


Usually FNIS, or XPMSE or HDT etc have the suggested load order on their Mod Description page

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Alright, with lots of trial and error (and a much better understanding of Vortex (thanks!)) the dreaded T-pose is gone and all my animations work!

One last problem though. My HDT bounce physics aren't working on my PC's body. Nude or clothing. But the hair physics are working fine. I tried a couple things but have no idea if this is a skeleton issue, a bodyslide issue, HDT itself, textures, or what could be causing this. No other issues whatsoever. No errors or conflicts with anything either.


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When you fix a problem - please tell us how you fixed it.

It will help the next person who has the same problem. Maybe.


Fair enough - though you may not like the solution. I disabled every single animation mod, re-enabled one of them, let vortex do it's painstakingly long load thing, ran the game and confirmed there was no T-pose before repeating. Took over 2 hours and a dozen goes. When I identified the problem mod I completely uninstalled it and replaced it with a similar mod.


The problem file for me was "New Animation Pack - NMM Installer - v2013-1-8". No idea how it got mixed in with my newer stuff seeing how old it was. Anyways it wasn't an issue until I added a conflicting mod. Strangely enough the newer mod and all other mods work perfectly now that it's out of the mix. And like I said earlier, there never was any warnings or anything in FNIS.


Still have the HDT bounce/jiggles not working on my character or armor though...

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If you had a problem with animations, that was an unconverted Skyrim LE mod.

Bethesda gives you a free tool to convert those, but in general don't use LE mods on SE. They are not compatible.

Also always use the FNIS option Check for compatible animations. Only the SE version has that one. That might have saved you some time.

Thanks for reporting!

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If you had a problem with animations, that was an unconverted Skyrim LE mod.

Bethesda gives you a free tool to convert those, but in general don't use LE mods on SE. They are not compatible.

Also always use the FNIS option Check for compatible animations. Only the SE version has that one. That might have saved you some time.

Thanks for reporting!


Actually I'm running LE and mods were showing fine and error free. So it's definitely something really wonky I did when I installed it - overwrote or ordered a bunch of things wrong.


But I'll make sure to double check LE/SE first the next time I run into any issues! Thanks.

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