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Missing Masters


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I don't know what AAF is, people throw around the acronyms to thousands of mods and I only know a handful.

There's too many mod acronyms to remember.


Now, you DEPLOYED the mods after you installed them yes?

Is this a SKyrim mod, a fallout mod?


I'm guessing because I don't even know what Game you're modding, because you've left out some very important details, which makes it difficult to help

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AAF is Advanced Animation Framework for Fallout 4 (which is said above btw)

And yes, i have deployed all mods. They are showing in the Mods and Plugins tab from Vortex and also in the Data folder but the Game seems to not recognice them.



I don't see "Advanced Animation Framework" mentioned anywhere except this post ^, only as AAF.



So you meet the requirements of having


Fallout 4 - 1.10.138

F4SE - 0.6.17

LooksMenu - 1.6.16





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OK, let's go back to the questions I asked you way back in the second post that you still haven't answered....

WHAT MODS are telling you their ESPs are missing?

What is the error message, that the mods are giving, Word for Word from Vortex?


How is a mod notifying you that it's plugin is missing if the plugin (the brain of the mod) isn't enabled?

What is the exact error message?

You need to provide more information

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