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Fallout 4 with Mods working yesterday, but not today


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Hi All,

I have used mods before, but still consider myself a noob. I recently decided to start playing Fallout 4 again and modded the crap out of it. I've got about 45 mods installed through Vortex, no conflicts, all files complete with pre-requisites. I've been playing now for about 28 hours with no problems. I go to play today, and now it crashes on load. Now, when I look at LOOT, most of what I'm seeing is problems with the official DLC. Any help would be appreciated...and remember I am a noob, so I might not fully understand what the f*$k I'm doing.

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LOOT is already built into Vortex, so no need to use the standalone version.

When you say "Most of what I'm seeing is problems with the DLC", it would be helpful to post those problems so those of us in the support forum can see if they're problems or if they're nothing to worry about.

Also, are you hitting CONTINUE when you load up the game?

For some stupid reason, dating back to Skyrim LE, the game would crash if you hit CONTINUE, but it wouldn't crash if you pick LOAD and load your save game.

So, give that a try, I know it seems stupid, but it's Bethesda.
It works for me, and I never use CONTINUE anymore, haven't used CONTINUE in a decade or so now.

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Start here:




Are you running F4SE?


Stop Vortex. Start Fallout 4 the way you normally do. F4SE Loader or the Fallout exe.

At the Load screen, open the console.

Enter "coc qasmoke". That will start the game without using a save file.

If it does start - you have a hosed save (technical term). Your mods killed your save. Back up to an earlier save - and use less mods. Preferably ones written by competent authors. Check mod ratings.

If it does not start, your save is not the problem. Come back and we will investigate further.

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When I look at Vortex, the DLCs all have the "Requires Cleaning (LOOT)" icon next to them.

I was using continue, up until this issue, but have tried also to load a saved game. I get the same thing...my screen goes to the load screen with the "tips"...it cycles through the first "tip", gets to the second and then crashes to the desktop.


I am using F4SE, version 6.17. I did try the "coc qasmoke". It opened the game in what I can only think is a developer's room? Lots of power armor, crafting stations, etc.


The Mods I'm using, in order:

Unofficial Fallout Patch

True Storms FO4

Armor Keywords



New Calibers


Slower Leveling 50%

Rename Your Settlers

Brahmin Feeder Full

Brahmin Watertrough

Functional Displays

Functional Display - AID Vanilla

Realistic Ragdoll Force

Functional Displays-Patch DLC-ALL

Functional Displays-Collectibles

Functional Displays-MISC-Vanilla

TrueStormsFO4-Earlier Sunsets

TrueStormsFO4-Far Harbor

TrueStormsFO4-Earlier SunsetsFH

Immersive Vendors

Civil Defense Posters

More Where That Came From Diamond City

Unlimited Settlement Budget

Eli Display Shelves

Custom Concrete with Glass


Weaponsmith Extended

BTInteriors Project

Loads of Ammo

Craftable Ammo

Craftable Ammo Plus

Workshop Planters

Armorsmith Extended

Eli Armor Compendium

Longer Power Lines

Wearable Backpacks and Pouches

OC Decorator

OC Decorator DLC

OC Dispenser

Better SettlersNoLollygagging

AzarPonytail Hairstyles

Extended Weapon Mods


Deadlier Deathclaws

Recruitable Settlers

olenty o'exploration

Unique Uniques

K9 Tactical Harness


Azar Holstered Weapons

Patchwork Sanctuary Bridge

Salvage Beacons

Scrap Everything-core

Better Settlers

Scrap Everything -Auto

Acrap Everything - FH

Scrap Everything - Nuka

Scrap Everything - Vault


Intel Core i7 3.50ghz overclocked to 4.20ghz

16 gb RAM

AMD Radeon HD 7800 Graphics card

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OK - so you have established that your mods will load, using QASmoke.

Unfortunately, that means one of your mods is running for quite some time before it poisons your saves.

Run a save game cleaner, like Fallrim Tools, and see if any of your mods seem to be generating lots of instanced variables.

First mod I would remove is Scrap Everything, just because of the problems I have seen it cause.

I have no idea how many saves you have, but it would be nice to roll back before you installed Scrap Everything.

Good luck - this is a hard problem to solve without starting over (and add mods slowly).

Nothing here seems to be Vortex related.

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I installed Scrap Everything Ultimate, these are just the "plug-ins" that came with it. I couldn't see anywhere else to get the load order, other than the "Plug-Ins" tab of Vortex. Unfortunately, I loaded ALL of these right from the start. It crashes on load for every save I've tried, probably 10 or so back. I did deactivate all mods and was able to load, then started adding them a couple at a time. I was able to load maybe 3 out of 5 times.

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They are gone for good. If you remove a mod as big as Scrap Everything mid-game - that in itself is probably enough to kill your game.

Common position is you can't remove mods from an ongoing save without breaking things. I do - but carefully.

Do try Fallrim Tools and see if it helps.

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