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Does anyone know how to restart college of Winterhold quests?


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So I had been going through my college of Winterhold quests, until I came across a major bug. It was the end of the "revealing the unseen" quest, and I couldn't begin the "Containment" quest. I got past it by using the console command set stage mg07 200 which just let me skip the quest altogether, then I gave myself the required items to complete "the staff of Magnus".


So I completed the staff of Magnus quest and now all of a sudden I can't start "The eye of Magnus" quest, as the same thing is happening. Tolfdir returns to his original script as soon as I talk to him. But only this time I CAN'T use console commands to start the quest.


This frustrates me because now can't I fast travel to the college of Winterhold, and I have used the staff of Magnus to remove the barrier and everything seems normal in the college. THERE IS NO ARCH-MAGE AND ANCANO ISN'T DEAD.


Please, please help me.

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First off, what copy of the game are you using?
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Also, sorry for the double post, what version of the game do you have? Have you gotten any of the recent patches?
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I think you might have to go back to an earlier save. There is no way to reset a quest as you are wanting.

I wonder if the bugs were started by some sort of mod conflict? If you return to an earlier save, before your first mages college activity, and the bug is appearing to repeat itself, maybe you could post your mod list and see if anyone can help.

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I think you might have to go back to an earlier save. There is no way to reset a quest as you are wanting.

I wonder if the bugs were started by some sort of mod conflict? If you return to an earlier save, before your first mages college activity, and the bug is appearing to repeat itself, maybe you could post your mod list and see if anyone can help.



But the problem with that is my last save was the start of the game and If I did have a save before I tstarted the college of Winterhold quests, I would have to redo the quest line for the dark brotherhood, thieves guild and the civil war (which is 20 hours of gameplay including finding spells, shouts etc.)


I would give you my modlist if I had it on me, but I should have it in about two days.


Are there any known mods that cause this? If so I could probably recall If I had it or not.

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