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Idea for a needed mod for SE


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I've played modded Oblivion a lot, and it has a feature that Skyrim desperately needs.


The problem - Player levels happen so quickly that if you try to diversify your character it becomes terminally weak when facing leveled enemies, and there's no time for general exploring without being a high level character still doing the basic exploration areas.


What is needed - is a way to more slowly gain player levels while still being able to gain skill levels. Some minimum requirements for advancing some skills would be required to avoid having a low level player with high level skills.


I've looked at the mods that come up searching "slow level", and they don't seem to be doing this. If there are any out there that have this effect, I'd appreciate hearing of them.

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I've played modded Oblivion a lot, and it has a feature that Skyrim desperately needs.


The problem - Player levels happen so quickly that if you try to diversify your character it becomes terminally weak when facing leveled enemies, and there's no time for general exploring without being a high level character still doing the basic exploration areas.


What is needed - is a way to more slowly gain player levels while still being able to gain skill levels. Some minimum requirements for advancing some skills would be required to avoid having a low level player with high level skills.


I've looked at the mods that come up searching "slow level", and they don't seem to be doing this. If there are any out there that have this effect, I'd appreciate hearing of them.



You want Skyrim Skill Uncapper


You can edit the INI file so that SKill Level gains are slower, you can also edit the INI so that not only are skill level gains slower, but they don't add very much to your character level gain (So, if you decide to smelt 100 iron ores, instead of gaining 10 character levels from doing that, you instead gain 1


I have my Uncapper ini set right now, to where I've just gone to meet the Monks to learn my Dragonborn powers and am halfway to level 1

I haven;'t even gotten a perk point yet, and to top it off, I'm using Ordinator, so when I DO get to spend perk points, I'm going to have to pick a perk tree and stick with it and specialize.

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Thanks for the reply. I've got it modded with 115 mods that are working well, but the player level rises too quickly to be able to get very far off the main development track. I don't have a problem with the skill advancement rate ( set at 50%) right now. If I could set the character level gain to about 1/2 to 1/3 of the speed it goes, I think that might work. In other words, requiring 2x to 3x the current skill increases needed for level gain would give time enough to explore and develop the character a bit more in depth. With all the mods available, there's too much to do to have the character level up so fast. That's how I've got Oblivion running, and it's a lot more fun. Any further ideas would be appreciated.


EDIT - I set the "skill level to PC level multiplier" in the uncapper INI to .5 instead of 1. I'll see if that does it.

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Thanks for the reply. I've got it modded with 115 mods that are working well, but the player level rises too quickly to be able to get very far off the main development track. I don't have a problem with the skill advancement rate ( set at 50%) right now. If I could set the character level gain to about 1/2 to 1/3 of the speed it goes, I think that might work. In other words, requiring 2x to 3x the current skill increases needed for level gain would give time enough to explore and develop the character a bit more in depth. With all the mods available, there's too much to do to have the character level up so fast. That's how I've got Oblivion running, and it's a lot more fun. Any further ideas would be appreciated.


EDIT - I set the "skill level to PC level multiplier" in the uncapper INI to .5 instead of 1. I'll see if that does it.



I also use a mod that sets all skils to ZERO when you start the game.

Makes it much better too.


Here's a post on how to use SKill Uncapper properly




If you want to use, for example, the skills start at 0 version of this mod, and you don't want to jump from level 1 to 6 after killing your first skeever, then you can use Skyrim Skill Uncapper https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8889/?
You will then need to manually edit the .ini file. By default, it DOES NOT include experience gain rates for skills at 0. That means if you use the Skyrim Skill Uncapper as-is with skills at 0 you will not gain XP in that skill (tested and confirmed).
Here are some example settings to alter in the config file:
0 = 0.33
1 = 0.50
5 = 0.67
10 = 1.00
Assuming you do not edit anything else in the SkyrimUncapper.ini file, that line of config will set your XP gain to 1/3 for one-handed when you start the game with a 0 in that skill. It will increase to 2/3 normal rate once you raise one-handed to level 5, and once your raise the skill to level 10, you will resume Vanilla XP gain.
You will need to make that adjustment for each skill.
In conjunction, you can AND SHOULD adjust how much each skill advance contributes to your level progression. The following adjustment is even more important than the one listed above to control level advancement with skills set to 0!!! In vanilla, raising any combinations of skills 10 times will raise your level. You can edit the per-skill contribution to require additional skill advancements, for example:
0 = 0.50
1 = 0.67
5 = 0.75
10 = 1
This will set your progression so that from rank 0 to 4, each One-handed skill up will contribute half as much to level advancement. In other words, this would be equivalent to 2 out of 10 skill raises in vanilla progression. Once you reach level 10, your skill contribution to level advancement will return to Vanilla levels.
So, quick summary:
If you are using Skyrim Skill Uncapper to better manage level advancement with starting skills set to 0, you MUST include an XP gain value for a skill rank of 0 for each skill. Otherwise you will not be able to advance that skill normally (skill books and trainers may still work to raise a skill from 0, I did not test). I suggest using a value considerably less than 1.0 for [LevelSkillExpMults\BaseSkillLevel\SkillName] to deter rapid leveling. You may need to fiddle around to decide what works best for you--I prefer an even slower progression than the examples I provided here.
P.S. it may be necessary to have a reference value (as in the examples above) for both skill rank 0 and skill rank 1 if you intend for anything other than standard XP progression.
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What is needed - is a way to more slowly gain player levels while still being able to gain skill levels. Some minimum requirements for advancing some skills would be required to avoid having a low level player with high level skills.


I've looked at the mods that come up searching "slow level", and they don't seem to be doing this. If there are any out there that have this effect, I'd appreciate hearing of them.

There is this mod:


Experience https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17751?tab=description


It essentially separates skill advancement from the leveling process completely by allowing the player to acquire XP by killing enemies, discovering locations, completing quests and clearing dungeons.


You can set the skill cap and other features through the included Experience.ini file; for example, you could configure the settings so that it is only possible to acquire XP through questing and killing. It is also possible to set specific values so that completing main quests will bag you more XP than side quests or faction quests. If you went hardcore and only allowed XP gains from killing enemies, you could set the value of "fXPKillingMult= " to 10.0 or some other crazy-high value.


Aside from slowing the leveling process dramatically, Experience also prevents you from cheating by taking advantage of quirks from the vanilla game. No longer can you increase your level quickly by spamming Muffle, crafting expensive potions, etc. It requires you to explore and put your character at risk.


The mod requires SKSE64, is compatible with just about anything, and comes with compatibility patches for other mods that add new creatures/locations to the game.


If you use other mods like Frostfall and Alternate Start, however, you might want to disable Experience until you've left the Abandoned Prison and activated the former. If you don't, you might start out at level two or three instead of one (I don't think it matters that much, but you might very well disagree).

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