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Mod help for a newbie plase


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Im losing the plot, trying to find the best mods for skyrim for my next playthrough - most interested in extra places and quests rather than modifying gameplay. Any suggestions how to find the best ones? There are so many on steam. Or what do you guys think are the best mods - that are comparable to DLC?


Also, Ive subscribed to about 10 quest mods using steam - is there a limit - in terms of making things slower/buggy with lots of different mods?

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The only suggestion I have are ThirteenOranges's collection on Steam, the quests and locations.


The absolute limit on mods is 256, including the official ESMs, but the limit on your game depends on your system and on making sure you have things that don't really conflict. I have a pretty mediocre computer and it doesn't really like me running a hundred mods, and definitely nothing graphically taxing. If you're on a laptop, probably the answer is "as few mods and possible and definitely nothing with much scripting or graphic enhancements". If you're on a 64-bit NVidia supermachine, just avoid conflicts and mods that don't work quite right. Just depends on the machine.

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I have a NVidia GeForce GT 540M graphics card.


Have subscribed and downloaded 40 mods from steam - mainly new dungeons/quests. I also purchased dawnguard.


How will I know that one mod wont affect another or affect the game in general? I mean if the game starts crashing I wonder how I would know where the problem is - can anyone advise me?

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I have a laptop with a Nvidia Geforce 525M card with a 7 core processor so im guessing your using a laptop too based on the graphics card you have. I run about 40 mods with little problems. I cant run ENBs at all on this laptop but thats fine for me because I really dont need ENBs. I can run everything else just fine. I use Climates of Tamriel and Warzones Civil Unrest. Most of my mods that i run are visual and immersive. in most of the good mods that are gpu demanding you can tone a few of the settings down. Like in warzones you can alter the actor spawn count (get warzones its awesome and very immersive).

When it comes to mod crashes, you will have to troubleshoot them yourself for the most part. you can avoid a lot of issues by carefully scrutinizing your load order. There are a couple of tutorials around that explain load order. Finding the mod causing problems for you is as simple as disabling your mods one at a time and running the game without said mod. its a time consuming and irking process but its straight forward. Make sure to read the description of the mod you are installing and look at any common problems the mod has.

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I don't want to sound anti-steam--I appreciate their support of modding in general. However, I do want to mention what I discovered about modding with Steam.

Steam automatically updates your mods every time to start the game. You don't have the option of rolling back, either.

Nexus Mod Manager requires you to update your mods yourself, although it does track your version and lets you know if there is a newer one.



The more mods you use, and the larger they are, the greater the chance that a mod update will cause a conflict-based crash or the like.

I stopped using Steam for mods pretty quickly...it is much easier to isolate a problem if you are the one making the changes.


Just something to think about.

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And a lot of replies on other fora are suggesting getting nexus mod manager - how would I get rid of all my mods I already have from steam and replacing them? Is there an easy way to do this? Are the mods the same on nexus as they are on steam?


Sorry if Im really thick!!

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thats all really helpful.


presumably as most of my mods are for separate places/quests - rather than appearance or gameplay - they hopefully shouldnt conflict?


Hopefully they shouldn't, but you can never be too sure.


An example: Let's assume Mod A overhauls Honeystrand Cave, completely changing the interior, and adding an associated quest. Later on, you download Mod B which adds a few minor things (monster spawns, more ores to mine, moving rocks / plants / debris to a different spot, etc.) to nearly every minor cave in the game, including Honeystrand. Using these two mods together is likely to cause at least a few conflicts.


You're best bet is to read the descriptions for whatever mods you download as fully as possible to make sure there won't be any conflicts with your other mods. If any problems do arise, you'll just have to enable/disable certain mods on your list until you find the conflict, then decide which of the conflicting mods are more important for you to keep.

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And a lot of replies on other fora are suggesting getting nexus mod manager - how would I get rid of all my mods I already have from steam and replacing them? Is there an easy way to do this? Are the mods the same on nexus as they are on steam?


Sorry if Im really thick!!



To get rid of mods from Steam, unsubscribe from them on Steam and delete the files in your Data folder. Unsubscribing will tell Steam not to update it anymore, and it will deactivate it from your game, but it won't delete it.


Whether mods are the same on the Nexus and Steam is up to the mod author. If they update it more often on Steam or the Nexus, it won't be the same. There are some mods I use that are only on Steam and not on the Nexus, and it doesn't really hurt anything to have mods from both sources. There are a lot of mods that haven't been put on Steam at all, especially bigger ones, because Steam has a file size limit.


The biggest difference is that on the Nexus you get a lot more options. On Steam you get one file per mod, that's it. On the Nexus you can download older versions or different variations or additional files all from the same page, so you get a lot more choice. It also means you can have much more complicated mods here than you could get from there.

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