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Help Please?


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So I am extremely knew to pc gaming. I've always been more of a console gamer, but I've seen videos of some pretty awesome mods for pc and want to try them out. I have Skyrim and it's all downloaded, I have figured out console commands with the help of youtube, and I have the nexus mod manager and the bsa file compressor. However, even when the manager says the mod is properly installed into the game, the "data files" option is black in the launcher menu and I only have one of the four or five mods active in the game that I downloaded and installed. I looked up some similar problems on this site and tried the suggestions, but they didn't work. I have the script under [Launcher] for bsa files and I downloaded the Bethesda Archive Management and Optimization thing. Still only one of my installed mods will play.

Can anyone help???


P.S. I'm relatively new/naive when it comes to computers, so I would ask anyone generous enough to help to dumb down their advice to a level that I will probably understand.


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