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The easiest type of mod for creation for begginers?


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I would first like to say hello and a big fan of skyrim mods. I finally am going to start creating i looked through the forum for a another answer to the question but no luck. what type of mod would a good one to start with? Thank you very much i am very excited to start doing this!!

Edited by coreyp85
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Something small and simple. Trying to tackle a big project without first understanding the basics is a recipe for disaster. Find one thing, just one thing, that you'd like to modify and do it. Work yourself up to bigger things as time goes by.


The Creation Kit wiki has some tutorials that you could work through to help give you an understanding in scripting and working with the various records within the Creation Kit. Mesh and texture work are beyond its scope, however.

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Well, not knowing what kind of skill level you have I originally found that taking someone else's mod and adjusting it to my own satisfaction was very instructive. You couldn't publish that but with that knowledge you can more easily start your own mod and publish it.



The Rabbit

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i am literally brand new but this is all good information to have . thank you all i will definitely consult the wiki!

I found this to be the best tutorial, it assumes you know absolutely nothing about modding, and doesn't have you jumping from link to link like the wiki.



Follow this with the 4 lessons and you will know how to make a good house mod.


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