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[LE] Does ESP only mods need conversion to SSE ?


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Hi everyone.

I want to port to SSE an ESP only mod, and i don't know if it will work as is or if it needs to be opened in SSE CK and saved again.

The mod contains only the ESP and one Script, it uses only the default Skyrim assets and nothing has been alterated.

* I don't own a copy of SSE so i can test this, plus my i7 died about a year ago and i can't afford right now 4000 euros to build a new one.

My current old PC is quite capable in running SLE on Ultra but can't run SSE, and it can't be upgraded any further.

* The mod i want to port is right at the bottom " XamMaximus ACT I ".


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Thanks HadToRegister for replying.


That was what i knew about converting to SEE, but yesterday i accidentally came across this video, which shows an ESP only mod been load directly to SSE with no problem.
So, it made me think that it might be possible to port the mod without re - saving it in SSE CK.
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If you don't run the ESP file through the Special Edition Creation Kit then you have not really ported it. Technically there are some mods that will work without porting, but it's completely irresponsible to claim to have ported a mod (even for your own use) without running it through the new CK.


Even if you don't run things through the new CK some record forms will be fine, some will cause obvious problems immediately, and others will seem to work but silently cause problems that only become noticeable later. It's that last case that's so dangerous.


If you have to ask whether a conversion is needed then yes it is. If a mod only uses the form types that don't technically need to be converted then you'll be OK, but unless you're an expert on the ESP file format then there's no way to be sure which ones are safe and which aren't.

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Yes, because of the FormID in the ESP needs to be updated to ID 44

And it's more than just updating a number. Some people have had the "bright idea" of just changing that number in SSEEdit but can cause more problems than just trying to run the mod without porting it.


The only way to properly port the mod is to load and then save the ESP file using the SSE Creation Kit.

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Thanks cdcooley for replying.


I was thinking about this and i concluded that there is a difference in how the SSE engine will handle an ESP that has only a quest to handle ( script fragments ), in contrary of an ESP that place meshes - actors in 3d space an cells that has been NavMesh & Optimize.
One simple example that leads me to this conclusion is the "Underscore" in cells name that will cause save file corruption in SSE, and some others game engine differences.
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