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FREE Multiplayer Online Games


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There is also this new Korean adult mmo which is pretty ridiculous.

Its an typical Korean MMORPG but with a twist.

If you are a female character you're clothes/armor can get ripped off, which will show more skin than you would think...

Same counts for all female monsters/creature, attacking them will get there armor thorn resulting in tits and ass.

Uhm males can also get there clothes ripped off...

Real perverts those Koreans.

Its called Kabod Online, figure the rest yourself. (imo dont bother, its a grindfest like each other Korean MMO)

Edited by Choccs
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry haven't read the entire thread but Champions Online is now free and Age of Conan has a non-time-limited free trail version

Whoah, thanks for the heads-up, man http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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Runescape just sucks... Have to say it. Too many foul mouthed 12 year olds with low self-esteem running around. PK on runescape is, from what I've seen, mostly typical school yard bully situations where a bunch of fairly weak people follow around someone, and they just gang up on anyone they deem vulnerable. The irony of course being that most of those people playing those characters are the very same people who are bullied (in roughly the same manner, and for comparativly same reasons) in real life. The rather simplistic point and click interface requires little comprehension and mental ability to use, which is good since most of the activities for leveling tend to be mindnumbingly repetitive. The main (almost only) reason why Runescape is as popular as it is, is because kids can play it at school while teacher isn't looking due to it not requiring any files downloaded and stored locally. Atleast until the school realizes it and just flags the website as illegal (another example why schools need better tech people).


And this is not the usual runescape bashing... The gameplay is about as deep as a dinner plate, the community is almost all middle schoolers, and too much of your time is spent doing the same repetitive clicking motions. Although the quests can make for some break up of monotony, most of them you have to pay for, along with most of the "neet" things you can do in the game at this point. People have a good reason to dislike the game because those who like the game tend to be viewed in a negative light because the game just totally lacks most of the finer elements of MMOs while being bogged down by most of the negatives. Put simply, it's the MMO equivilant of Pokemon... Except without the deeper philosophic content.


No offense. This is not a flame for the sake of flaming, but an explaination as to why the game is viewed negativly, and to infact prevent a flaming from occuring because most of the points of such a flame have already been stated in a less insulting manner.



Umh, yea Pking is not all what runescape is about. But most players still play it because pking. And flaming and bullying is so related on pking. There was this time runescape was better, but then they decided to bring wilderness (area where you can kill other players) back. That ruined the better going developement of the game.

And runescape stores about 200mb of files on your computer, its not downloadfree.


ps. i think most FPS games are repetitive too as you run around shooting others and doing nothing else.

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