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Skyrim SE will no longer launch


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I hope someone can help!


I've been playing Skyrim SE through Vortex (modded and with SKSE) and had no problems until recently. It started with random crashes in certain areas but if I tweaked something in-game it worked itself out usually. I didn't install any new mods and I ran into this constant loop of being stuck in crashes. It didn't matter where I went, what I did or if I went back to a different save file.


I looked it up and thought maybe the problem was SKYUI since I've always gotten Code 5 but it never seemed to cause problems before. I looked up ways to fix it and I saw that you have to run Vortex as an Administrator. I did that (wasn't able to fix anything so did no changes to a thing) closed the program, restarted my system and now!


Absolutly nothing will pull up for Skyrim. I can get Vortex to open, the mods are all there, it sorts them and gets it ready but no matter how I try and open Skyrim, it just does nothing. It's as if if uninstalled itself without any prompting.


So if anyone has an idea for either of these, why I was suddenly getting crashes when I'd never had them like that, or why Vortex has pretty much died.

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Stop Vortex. It does not have to be running.

Start Skyrim SE through the SKSE launcher. Start a new game as a test.


If a new game fails to launch or CTDs soon after - come back. We may have more advice. Best resource is a Skyrim SE tech support forum.


If it works OK - some of your saves are hosed. You can try a save cleaner, but your damaged saves may go pretty far back.

Uninstalling mods can lead to a result like this. And some mods are simply incompatible with each other.

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One thing guaranteed to cause that: Adding a Skyrim LE mod to Skyrim SE.

Another is an out of date SKSE plugin. Try renaming Data/skse /plugins to something else. If it starts now - you have to start removing plugins until you find the culprit.

Using Steam to validate your game directory can't hurt either.

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