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Returning to Fallout 3,


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Hi, i bought fallout a while back and never really got into it, i'm far more of a fantasy kinda player, and bethesda made TES so i guessed Fallout would be good, which it is, it just didn't appeal to me back then. However i've decided to give it another go, to see if i can't get along with it better now.


What i was hoping is that some of you more used to playing it would be able to give me some suggestions on mods to play it with, so to help you folks here's a little bit about what i think i'm looking for in mods!


First of all, visuals, i love a game that looks good, however my current PC doesn't support superb graphics, (Roll on 11/10/12 when my new one arrives!) so untill i can get my hands on my new machine i'm happy to stick to the basics, unless there are any low-impact graphic mods like Skyrims Imaginator/Dynavision I heared they originated here in fallout right?.


Second, Immersion. My biggest source of enjoyment in the TES games are the Realism mods, mods that add sleep, hunger, thirst dependencies, things that make your character more alive and not just an immortal. (Because the spartans will put them to the test!)


Thirdly, Gameplay, one of my biggest reasons for wanting to replay through fallout right now, is i've recently finished reading David Gemmels bloodstone series, (Better know as the Chronicles of the Jerusalem man) and while the settings arn't idential, the idea of playing a gunslinger sort of just currently appeals, so while i understand that you're going to need big weapons, and firepower, like in TES i like to play sneaky, resourceful characters and would hope to do the same here. Pistols ftw.! (P.s.! can you have two pistols? right and left? or can you only have one?)


Lastly, I guess i just want to have a little fun with this, rather than some serious hardcore gaming, (But immersive fun!, no saints row the third antics!) so i'm not looking for mods that add to the "Challenge" outside of the suggestions i've given above,


as a footnote i'd like to add, i'm not making this post out of lazyness, i'm not asking because i can't be bothered to go through the categories and look for myself, i'm fairly used to modding thanks to these amazing sites through both Oblivion and Skyrim, (I was a little young to be modding or doing anything of the sort for morrowind!). And one thing i have learned in all that time is you can spend as much time looking at, installing and testing mods and never actually playing, either because of conflicts, or mixed requirements, or any number of other, strange things. So i made this post in the hopes that someone, who has some experience with modding fallout 3 will be able to point me in the direction of 3-4 mods that will offer the above without needing 1001 other mods, addons, extenders, converters, garters, pantihose or y-fronts in order to make it all balance out and work.


Hopefully this thread hasn't been to painful a read, So thank you to whoever made it this far into the post without a yawn, and extra thanks to those who can offer some insight into my needs!.



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Start with Fellout http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2672, Fallout Wanderers Edition http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2761, DarNUI and Fallout Remastered http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/16928 . This should keep you busy until your new rig arrives. Make sure you read the requirements. And while your are at it, you might as well get FOSE http://fose.silverlock.org// , Fallout Mod Manager http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/640 , FO3Edit http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637 , the training manual http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629 and BOSS http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/10193 :biggrin:
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For visuals you have a lot of mods, the ones I use are NMC's texture packs (all of them since vanilla textures are just freaking disgusting compared to those), Fellout, Street Lights and Enhanced Blood Textures. You can also use ENBs if you want (just search for ENB) or stuff like Dynavision, Cinematech and Imaginator (or all three with Director's Chair).


For immersion you have FWE which is the most popular but I personally prefer Arwen's Realism Tweaks. I don't know if there are other mods like these, you'll have to look for them yourself.


When it comes to gameplay, I too prefer stealth. I would suggest you to get Apocalypse Armory but since it's been under moderation for quite a while, you don't have much of a selection when it comes to pistols. You can get Weapon Mod Kits and modify vanilla pistols, other than that you have Glock 86, Pulse Pistol, 14mm Sig Sauer, Glock-19 and Desert Eagle. I can't remember any other that look good or at least decent.


And no, unfortunately you can't have a pistol in each hand, I believe it has something to do with the engine.


By the way, to get your game to run most mods, you need FOSE since half of them won't work right without it.


EDIT: I forgot to mention, FO3 isn't like Skyrim, you need ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated for the game to recognize custom textures/meshes/sounds/stuff.

Edited by Werne
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  • 2 weeks later...

Before you do anything else, you MUST install want the FOSE utility, which is required for many advanced modding scripts, and the FOMM mod manager for activating/deactivating mods.


I would highly recommend FOOK2 as an "all in one" mod package. It has just so many different things it's not even funny. With no disrespect to the previous posters I'd really encourage you to just stick with FOOK2 first, then add other mods if you still want more.


Additionally, if you're seriously into realism immersion check out Imps More Complex Needs to simulate nutritional needs and Enhanced Weather to...well...actually have any kind of weather changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been using FOOK2, as Darkstar suggested ,for years and years. I swore i wouldn't play fallout 3 without it, but after switching to FWE I find I really enjoy it as well.


If you are looking to stick to the Fallout 3 Lore, Use FWE, if you don't care about it being Lore friendly (ie, there's a lot of weapons in FOOK2 that are from the Cold War and further, which, don't exist in the fallout universe, its more content driven)


FWE gives you a ton of realistic game play and changes game mechanics to really make the game feel complete(sprinting, revamping the stealth system, more realistic use of drugs and medicine), and the weapons it adds are from previous fallout games, where as Fook2 fills the world with a ton of new weapons from the real world, and new content, encounters, and game play changes.


Another vote for NMC's Texture packs, makes a huge difference, and Enhanced blood textures is a great addition. Make sure you look at mod conflicts. A lot of these big mods may have features, or actually integrate immersion mods like Fellout (for darker nights and more realistic lighting)


I suggest IHUD for immersion. It gets rid of the hud when its not needed. Enhanced Weather - Rain and snow is a fun addition, if you want weather in the game.


Just really make sure any mod you install, you really read into them. There are a LOT of mods that conflict with each other, and load order is everything. Even with my good load order, custom patches, and no conflicts, my game still crashes on a regular basis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you to Beccy for posting this and thank you to everyone else for the great replies:

I'm also looking for the 'more immersive/realistic' Fallout that stays "true" to Fallout lore.


So for immersion:




Enhanced Weather



NMC's texture pack





I guess FWE included here too.

I've got Marts Mutant Mod installed and I think it adds to gameplay.

I think Enhanced Weather adds to gameplay if Radioactive Rain is enabled.



I've been searching and searching for adding more to Fallout without making it "too much."

That being said, how about Wasteland Whisperer, Robco Certified, Companion Share & Recruit, DC Interiors, and Undiscovered Capital, & Bus World?


I've read a little about the above listed mods but haven't tried.

Are those good for Fallout 3 gameplay & immersion?


Oh before I forget, can IHUD and DarnUI work togather? Right now I just make the HUD about half opaque but I think something like IHUD would be great if it works stably w/ DarnUI.


Right now I'm using FOMM for FWE, Mart's Mutant Mod, and Fellout and it's running stable, without a Merged Patch.

I'd like to add more that make it a more immersive, challenging, and 'realistic' Fallout to hold me over util Fallout 4. New Vegas just ... didn't do it for me at all.


Thanks again to anyone and everyone who shares their info and guidance!

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Thank you to Beccy for posting this and thank you to everyone else for the great replies:

I'm also looking for the 'more immersive/realistic' Fallout that stays "true" to Fallout lore.


So for immersion:




Enhanced Weather



NMC's texture pack





I guess FWE included here too.

I've got Marts Mutant Mod installed and I think it adds to gameplay.

I think Enhanced Weather adds to gameplay if Radioactive Rain is enabled.



I've been searching and searching for adding more to Fallout without making it "too much."

That being said, how about Wasteland Whisperer, Robco Certified, Companion Share & Recruit, DC Interiors, and Undiscovered Capital, & Bus World?


I've read a little about the above listed mods but haven't tried.

Are those good for Fallout 3 gameplay & immersion?


Oh before I forget, can IHUD and DarnUI work togather? Right now I just make the HUD about half opaque but I think something like IHUD would be great if it works stably w/ DarnUI.


Right now I'm using FOMM for FWE, Mart's Mutant Mod, and Fellout and it's running stable, without a Merged Patch.

I'd like to add more that make it a more immersive, challenging, and 'realistic' Fallout to hold me over util Fallout 4. New Vegas just ... didn't do it for me at all.


Thanks again to anyone and everyone who shares their info and guidance!


I absolutely recommend both DC Interiors (for all those otherwise closed-off houses that become accessible and explorable) and Busworld (ditto for all buses and railway carriages). Together, they add a vast amount of additional space to explore. I put these at the top of my list of 'Must Haves'.


Sorry, Dual Pistol Usage is something that has been asked about so often that the Mod Suggestions Thread has essentially said that they are sick of hearing it. Supposedly, the game engine isn't up to that trick - and certainly nobody has produced a playable mod that has managed to do it yet.

Edited by 7thsealord
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I absolutely recommend both DC Interiors (for all those otherwise closed-off houses that become accessible and explorable) and Busworld (ditto for all buses and railway carriages). Together, they add a vast amount of additional space to explore. I put these at the top of my list of 'Must Haves'.

Thanks! I'm installing those tonight as well as Undiscovered Capital.


How about Wasteland Whisperer, Robco Certified? Tried em?


Dan IHUD and DarnUI work togather?


Have you tried Sharing & Caring Companions? It looks cool but I've read that it's got some compatibility issues with Undiscovered Capital and A&AT mods.


And finally, I've read a lot of good things about NMC's texture pack, and then there's Project Reality, but it's unclear if these work well together. . .


Geez I kinda feel like a kid in a candy store

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