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Credo - WIP


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Great work Luddemann!! So glad someone has taken up this project to get it into the game. If you're looking for feedback on your ideas then I may have some suggestions....


I think keeping the emblems of the respective locations in the game is important, plus there's nothing wrong with them, plus plus most people like their mods as lore-friendly as possible!


My vision of Actus' work would be that it would update the mainstream armours of Skyrim (particularly the Imperials) to something more medieval, which would perhaps fit more closely with the timeframe (ie. hundreds of years after the Oblivion crisis). Therefore I would perhaps suggest keeping the imperial and nordic cultures somewhat separate, particularly with reference to the wolf armour of the companions. Perhaps emphasising practicality and warmth for the nordic armours, and protection and technical skill for the imperial armours?


I think the most crucial measure would be to prevent these new armours from looking 'too clean', again especially the armours of the holds/nords, and keeping them in line with the armours that aren't going to be modded eg. iron and steel (either that or replace them).


I hope I've made sense and perhaps been of some use in refining the vision of the mod. I would love to assist on this project, but I'm limited for time at the moment but if I can help with ideas etc then I will!



Thanks again for taking this on, you're doing a huge service to the community, and hopefully to Actus


EDIT: having just checked out your topic with screenshots etc I'm so so impressed with your work on re-imagining some of the in-game armours....and, dare I say it, I really like your wolf armour concept! It fits in really well with this re-imagining! Great work all round, it always amazes me how much talent remains hidden from view in this modding community! Keep up the good work!

Edited by thechief18
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Great to hear it Luddeman, all of your work I've seen so far is incredible and I honestly believe you are the best one to continue the work on this mod.

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Of course. I plan on writing that you are the main authors.


BTW, two things: The file seems to lack alot of textures. All of the edited once. Plus, I cant find Ulfric, Tullius or Imperial Knight.


And what had you planned for the female guards, stormcloaks. legionaries and Rikke?

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Your going to be upholding the agreement ActusReus and I had about the usage of my textures and meshes?


Hey Nivea,


I added a proviso onto the end of the description on the mod page, sorry I didn't keep you informed about my plans on dropping this project. If there is anything else you would like me to do, just give me a shout.


@luddeman and anyone else missing textures..


You will have to accept my sincere apologies is there are some missing textures for certain Witcher 2 models, I was picking the textures on the fly (as and when required) from my extracted Witcher 2 archive..


They are unfortunately no longer on my machine.


RE Ulfric & Tulius..


Ulfric was lost at some point, whilst I was in the process of upgrading my machine (along with many other items)... I know this sounds terrible as he seemed to be the fan favourite, but (and this is directed at luddemanm) he was one of the easiest to put together and I doubt you will have too much trouble recreating him...

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Sweet Talos, how did I only find this now? I really wish I could help out with this, but my modding days are long past and I've never attempted anything with Bethesda games. Really looking forward to see what you folks manage to do with this. Too bad ActusReus has to drop it.


Also the fact that Ulfric got lost is horrible, because that was definitely my favorite. Here's to hoping it can be recreated expertly.

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Thanks for a reply. I've stared working on two armors: Stormcloak general and Penitus Oculatus Armor.


@Actus: Is it possible to get the missing textures? If so, when and how? Too bad about Ulfric, but I should manage to recreate him. Though, I think I will make him a little bit more snobby ;) You didnt mention Tullius

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