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Credo - WIP


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What we can do, I let you focus on the factioned armour and let me did the non faction armour, as I said to you I already have something like 6 type of leather armor ( studded, padded, etc ) a brigandine, plates armours and so on

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this is just my honest opinon. Its a nice looking armor (ulfric) but its not as good as the original concept.




The pattern on the blue fabric is good. It adds something to the original concept that was lacking. It adds abit more of an elaborate feel which suits a Jarl.

The belt is good.




The chest piece is better on the original it has more of a uniqueness about it. Where as this one looks similar to armors in Skyrim already.

The armor in the original concept is alot better, the metal is a better look than the leather used in this version. The metal plating gives the Jarls clothing a meaner look but still feels elaborate.

The chest piece pattern on the original helps give the clothing a medievil feel and also helps establish a difference between stormcloak and imperial armors/clothing. The original ulfric concept is so unique to jarl ulfric that it helps distinguish his character and helps to show a elaborate side whilst keeping the warrior esque feel. This new version is very similar to other skyrim armors and therefore doesnt help to distinguish ulfrics character.

The gems look out of place.

The bear helm needs to be bigger and more elaborate. I know you said you struggled with this but also its the big blue eyes of the original concept help match the stormcloak colors and this adds continuity throughout the armor set.

it doesnt look as eye catching as the original. It would be fine for stormcloak generals but not for Ulfric himself.


please dont take this the wrong way, its just constructive criticism because the original concept was so strong that i feel it would be a shame to compromise that, also modders always want to work to the best of their abilitys so im just giving you some pointers. Again, this is all my personal opinons...other people may feel differently.

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luddeman this is our unique problem : No one of us know how to paint weight but I think this week end I'll take a look at the Nightasy and Actus tutorials, it can't be as hars as what I imagine


P.S. can you tell my why each time i try to put a picture on the topic, the site said that i'm not able to post this format picture ? Oo

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@JimReaper: thanks for the constructive critique. I agree with some points: I was uncertain about the gems. I will try a version without. The bear helm looks boooring in my version. However, I dont think it makes any sense to give ulfric all that metal. He is sitting on hos throne all day. This chestpiece I feel is very unique and I will give it to all the Stormcloak officers. I really like the idea of Ulfric using the same armor as them. He seems the type of leader to do stuff like that.


@TheMedievalKnights: It would be great if you learned that stuff. I have a photobucket account and I copy paste the image code from there.

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I msg'd actus without realizing that he doesn't really work on this mod anymore or something.

Never got a response or anything.


Anyways, I'm a scripter, so if you guys want a feature that lets players toggle the of models of individual armor pieces from vanilla models to Credo models in game, through an MCM menu, let me know.



I am working on my own gameplay overhaul right now, so I'd appreciate if anybody could help me make some small clutter models though.

I don't have any experience making nif's right now, and while I could learn, I was hoping I could get someone else to do it in exchange for some scripting.

can anybody answer this or what?

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@JimReaper: thanks for the constructive critique. I agree with some points: I was uncertain about the gems. I will try a version without. The bear helm looks boooring in my version. However, I dont think it makes any sense to give ulfric all that metal. He is sitting on hos throne all day. This chestpiece I feel is very unique and I will give it to all the Stormcloak officers. I really like the idea of Ulfric using the same armor as them. He seems the type of leader to do stuff.

I can understand that. Maybe you could come up with some kind of mix and match of the two styles since I think the metal plate gives ulfric a meaner look, now someone who 'shouted a man to death' should look mean. It also gives him an elaborate and unique look that matches his jarl status but it keeps his nord warrior feel. I do understand that he spends most of his time sat on his throne though so If not, how about galmar getting the metal version as the more battle ready of the two characters?


Thanks for taking my comments the right way. I'm just trying to give critique so you can make this mod the best it can be.


Good luck...I'll keep watching this.

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