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My Motivations Are Unclean


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I'm new to modding Skyrim in general, it's been years since I've played. I've noted that some of the mods I have "require" the DLC, however the DLC is no longer purchasable on Steam because... Well because. Is the DLC an actual requirement for the mods I have listed? If so, is there anywhere I can buy it for the original Skyrim outside of Steam or do I have to go to Special Edition and /wrists?


Here's a snapshot of the mods I'm trying to use. I've been unable to the launch the game (crashes after Bethesda intro) since installing Sexlab, Bodyslide, and HDT Bounce & Jiggles CBBE edition. I'm curious if anyone can see any mod incompatibility in the list.


My SKSE and SkyUI are all healthy and up to date prior to installing these. Let me know where I went all stupid. Generally I read pretty well but the HDT B&J mod specifically was a bit hard to follow in its installation steps and numerous files and patches required.


Less your help, I'll just start all over until I figure it out lol.


Load Order suggested by LOOT:


00 Skyrim.esm

01 Update.esm

02 HearthFires.esm

03 OSA.esm

04 Havok Breast Phsysic.esm

05 SexLab.esm

06 SOS

07 HR01 (HighResTexturePacks)

08 HR02

09 HR03

0A Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp


0C SKyUI.esp

0D UnreadBooksGlow.esp

0E Unique Uniques.esp

0F Barenziahquestmarkes.esp

10 Purewaters.esp

11 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp

12 Mage-Friendly Diadem of the Savant.esp

13 Mage-Friendly Dragon Priest Masks.esp

14 FNIS.esp

15 FNISSexyMove.esp

16 RaceMenu.esp

17 RaceMenuPlug.esp

18 XPMSE.esp

19 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp

1A Havok Breast Phsyic .esp

1B Havok Breast Physic Dragonborn.esp

1C Havok Breast Physic Dawnguard.esp

1D SOS.esp

1E SOS- Shop.esp

1F SOS-VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp

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Revisiting from about 6 or 7 years ago... I appreciate your feedback. I'll consider purchasing one of the newer editions on Steam if other alternative remedies are unavailable. I was hoping, if the DLC's are requirements for mod functionality, to purchase the DLC via another medium and add them to Steam through a little elbow grease versus having to pay for a game I've owned for 8 years all over again.


If I missed the free SSE edition, it was probably because there were some other things to do at the time and it wasn't at the top of my list. Unfortunate circumstances for me.

Edited by Conundrum11814
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Now the only way to buy the DLC is to buy either the Legendary Edition (which is simply original Skyrim + DLCs) or the Special Edition. You can pick up SSE for pretty cheap right now on greenmangaming (USD$18). It's much cheaper than the DLC were (USD$45). Even if the DLC were available on Steam now, I'd bet that they'd cost more than $18.

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