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Game crashes after Beth-logo when deleting "Bloodier Combat"


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Hey guys, well like the title says, my game crashes after the Bethesda logo if I delete the files "bloodierCombatv1.1.esp" and "bleedeffects.bsa" from my skyrim folder. I really don't understand how this is possible, I deactivated the mod in the load order before I deleted it and II even tried to delete my saves before starting skyrim without it. There is no entry for the bleedeffects.bsa in the Skyrim.ini.

Can somebody tell me how to fix this please? I mean I could just deactivate the mod but it bothers me not knowing what this is about.

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Thanks to wryebash I figured it out... somehow asis needed bloodier combat as masterfile, got no clue why but I just deleted both and reinstalled asis.


Wrye Bash is still giving me an error though - the dawnguard.esm is highlighted red and it says "Plugin is missing String localization files".

I think I'm not the only one having this issue.

Edited by Farsot
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