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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73623803. #73627398 is also a reply to the same post.

jfjb2005 wrote: It appears that the top bar menu doesn't resize accordingly with the screen.

Past the shock of the novelty -- yes, cleaner -- I could NOT see the Search-Upload-User displayed off-screen with no horizontal scroll bar to indicate the "surplus" I missed; the  window needs to be enlarged so much it's wasting too much screen real estate for its purpose/convenience.
Had to use LastPass to login since I couldn't "see"...

Furthermore, Upload-User pull-down menu characters overlap-garble because of their (apparently) large and/or fixed size... un-zooming makes them tiny-unreadable, say, on a high resolution large monitor.
Win10-Firefox not blocking java or what-not (grin)
My 2¢.

Maybe I missed something, I've been known to be wrong.
Maybe I set FF to not "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above", but that's it, and I do not think it should be a requirement.
Good work, though.
Pickysaurus wrote: If you're enforcing custom fonts, that is likely the cause of any display issues.

got it but still.
The top bar doesn't accommodate well for screen resize, e.g. no wrapping 2nd line or sheer icons easily identified.
Also, clicking the solo Nexus icon showing after shrinking the window should depict -- menu or icons -- the current page top bar items, not switch to the "Welcome To Nexus Mods" page, IMHO.

A knee way, the clutter, if any for some, is gone for sure.
Thanks again for the fresh look at the site contents access, if I may say so.. Edited by jfjb2005
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In response to post #73630093.

printerkop wrote: it broke the day it went live.
it takes 5 minutes for the new design to work properly since today after loading the site.

you might want to check the code again.

This isn't really helpful feedback. What makes you think it's broken? Have you considered that it may be caused locally by your settings/browser addons?
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In response to post #73624738. #73625908, #73626058, #73627533, #73629743 are all replies on the same post.

zelazko wrote: How do I remove annoying bottom vortex pop ups that appear and disappear when changing the card on the same content page?


I don't want your inferior mod manager software but appreciate the mods.

stahpk wrote: I would like to get rid of this also. I am a paid member. Why am I seeing your advertisement. There is not option to disable it or an X to click it off. We know you want to sell this site off but at least support your users for now.
jfjb2005 wrote: uBlock block element works for me
zelazko wrote: Your accusations are baseless if I didn't support users I wouldn't release single mod here. There are other sites for mod hosting you know?
I don't advertise any products here I dunno what you want nor I care.

R0NlN wrote: zelazko, the user you're replying to wasn't talking about you. stahpk was adding their voice to yours, and talking to Nexus about their advertisement for Vortex at the bottom of the page, same as you were. I hope that helps!

I have already answered a very similar post here on this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8011498-new-nexus-site-style-the-vortex-flash/
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It seems that when you hit the notification drop down in the top bar (itself a problem for me, I dislike top bars that don't scroll out of the way when you scroll the page down, but the new design makes it hard to use the site if I disable that bar) it only marks the message as read rather then deleteing it from the notifications list that shows at https://www.nexusmods.com//notifications/


Is there, or can you add, an option to revert that behavior to the way it used to work removing the item from the notification list completely?

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