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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73638943. #73639038, #73639228, #73639373 are all replies on the same post.

kat1004 wrote: Another unnecessary update to the site's design. At least the previous one was TOLERABLE. This one makes it so you have to click through more things, it's uglier than the previous redesign, and you guys still haven't removed that video at the bottom of mod pages that keeps popping up EVERY TIME you go to a new page.

Why am I not surprised that another bad design update was pushed without ACTUALLY consulting users?
Sonja wrote: "Why am I not surprised that another bad design update was pushed without ACTUALLY consulting users?"

I'm no defender of this site, and have my own concerns with some of the directions it has went in, and appears to be going in. However, in this particular instance I really have to wonder if (a) we are viewing the same Nexus, because I actually find the new design far more efficient, and (b) whether you bothered to respond to the survey....where you would have had the chance to provide your user input.
kat1004 wrote: A survey that was never made known to me. And a survey that at least 80% of users *probably* never saw. I tried the beta for about a day and if I'd known about any survey, I would've responded to it. I'm noticing a lot of problems. Namely with how many times you have to click to do things. Also, the top bar clashes poorly with the website itself.

I have mild arthritis in my right hand. Technically both, but it's always been worse in the right. I always have since as long as I can remember. And I'm right-handed, so I have to use my right hand for my mouse, which hurts even with a decent mouse. With the previous redesign, ugly as it was, I could get to my favorited games with a single click. I didn't have to use the mouse any longer than necessary to get to things. With this one, you have to click twice. Not the worst thing in the world, no, but that clicking adds up. I've already got arthritis, so I'd *really* rather not get carpal tunnel as well.

Also, what about the annoying ad that always pops up and blocks a portion of the screen? Another click, though that was part of the previous redesign, unless you're so used to ads that it doesn't bother you anymore. Not everyone can afford to get supporter or premium to get rid of the ads, and with adblocker, the download speed is cut in half.
Sonja wrote: Eh... the survey was right on the Beta page, as I recall, and pretty hard to miss.
That said, my honest sympathies that it isn't working out well for you, and that it's aggravating your health. Hopefully, they'll take your feedback here, at least, under advisement.
In the meantime, if it's an option, is it possible for you to create a thumbnail for the pages of your favourite games on your browser home page/Speed Dial? I use Chrome and Opera, primarily, and I find this works quite well.

I never saw the survey, or I would've done it. Granted, I'm always being told I miss obvious things, but they're not obvious to me. And besides, I doubt they're going to seriously take feedback from the comments here. I hope they do, but I doubt they will. They didn't last redesign.

It's an option I've already done, but not one that I like. It's a workaround and while workarounds are good, they're *workarounds*. I'd much rather see Nexus care about their users who might or might not have actual physical problems than have to use a workaround.

(edited for spacing) Edited by kat1004
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I'm not thrilled with the new design. It's making it less attractive for me to visit the site.





I'm using 21:9 screen divide in three parts with displayfusion. This puts nexusmods into tablet mode.

And no I don't want to zoom or resize the window, I need the space like it is.

So how about a toggle for this. Or a better detection algorithm.

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In response to post #73641518.

RangerDulann wrote:

I'm not thrilled with the new design. It's making it less attractive for me to visit the site.





I'm using 21:9 screen divide in three parts with displayfusion. This puts nexusmods into tablet mode.

And no I don't want to zoom or resize the window, I need the space like it is.

So how about a toggle for this. Or a better detection algorithm.

From your screenshot, it would seem like you are just barely at the tablet breakpoint so resizing the window only slightly would solve your issue.
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In response to post #73640028. #73640723 is also a reply to the same post.

M0ro wrote: Okay, let it be with the design but the notifications really need a small image icon that represents mod not just the letters. add this, please.
BigBizkit wrote: Roger. We're currently exploring options for a happy medium between the two.

I in the red squares to put little thumbs of the mods.
If that can be done
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