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Ban for Fun


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I ban anyone so physically large they can live on  🤣  5 lakes, 😈 lakes when using their first initials spells "H.O.M.E.S.".  Or maybe live Off of them?  As like in drinking water from them?  Or living near one of them?  Like Lake Huron.  Or one of the other four.  


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15 hours ago, Pagafyr said:

I ban anyone so physically large they can live on  🤣  5 lakes, 😈 lakes when using their first initials spells "H.O.M.E.S.".  Or maybe live Off of them?  As like in drinking water from them?  Or living near one of them?  Like Lake Huron.  Or one of the other four.  


I ban you for incorrect information since 2018 Lake Winnipeg, Lake Athabasca, Great Slave Lake, And Great Bear lake have been classed as great lakes bringing up the total to 9 great lakes. 

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I ban Drakefell01 for being determined not to leave all his treasures behind and go whalin.  Ishmael just walked away from all those troubling people, hard to carry things, and went fishing.

To help you remember all nine of Great Lakes you can add SWAB to HOMES.  S.W.A.B.H.O.M.E.S. or H.O.M.E.S.S.W.A.B.  Either way you can put the letters to help you remember their names;  I find it kind of suggestive to sailors who became privateers who became pirates.  It's time to swab homes!  Matey.  Arggh  They call you Ishmael

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Covid tests are a swab right? In that case your just testing if your house has covid LOL

I ban you for turning it in to an acronym LOL

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I ban Drakefell01 because he is the first person to get banned while I use a new computer that zings, shows strobing lights, has a cooling system for the CPU, 32 GB of RAM, and a Nvidia RTX 4070 with 12 GB of VRAM.  It is set up so it can adjust to get the best performance for huge hungry games. 

Back when I first saw this rig was 2021.  Salt Lake City was the closest place to get one at the time.  They were sold out in two days back in 2021.  I got this one two days ago.  It was 1/3 what they cost back in 2021 when I found it at WallMart.  Even though it is 3 years old it was brand new.

I feel like throwing a computer LAN party..  None of you live close enough that I can get long enough cables to reach your computers.  It's so incredible I fear the fate of becoming totally into gaming so much I will never be seen by family and friends again, or, even by non-computer users.

What will my family and closest friends do I if I slip off spending all my time playing video games.  Oh!  My!  They will have to pry my computer keyboard from my cold dead hands, instead of a weapon.


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From what I understand about your last post I think you got a new computer and in that case you should run because your old one is about to ban you.


Banned by old computer. LOL

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I ban you because my old computer still works and can play the games that are made for it's potential.  It's not yet retired so it won't ban me for awhile yet.  LOL

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