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Ban for Fun


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ban Dark0ne for creating the best site EVER :D


ban Dezi for stealing Garrett from Lily (go Dezi)


Ban ME for trying to be funny


and last (but not least)ban Aaron/Gamebird for making me a great sig

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LOL LOL LOL, OMG LOL (ban in advance everyone that will ban me for stating those slangs, including myself)


When I begin to read the thread I (deep) thought: WTF? ... and it turned out being one the most hilarious and delightful ones :)


PS: welcome to the banarena.

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ban nosisab for loling too much...lol :biggrin:

Ban myself for ever thinking out such infamous banarena name, and ban dezdimona for lolling the sacred LOL, lol (better stop before being indelibly unable to stop lolling) :)

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