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Ban for Fun


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YYYYYYESS I KNEWWWW IT, tunjoioisrtgkdfgqkf;fdv/ ,,,,,,,, its part of the promotional deal.



you're bannned




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banning Pushkatu for advertising :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
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I ban Thor. and MHM for giving me a double ban(I guess I deserve that) and I ban MHM again becouse I must respect the rules, yeah right...I just enjoy banning people!:sweat:
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Bans Netwit (hello there ^^)


A hearty hello and BAN to Alex for banning me :tongue:


Irrevocable BAN to all the crazy people here......you know who you are... :whistling:

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