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Ban for Fun


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Rendan is banned because I hate WoW too.


SIlverDNA is banned due to posting in front of someone and then slowing down.


LordFrostcraig is banned due to his signature being too dang tall. Seriously, take one shot out or something.


Tabukuroshi is banned for actually enjoying my mods.

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Mwua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha



I ban everyone for not posting in the crazy poll, PLEASE SAVE IT :turned: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: :teehee: .

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Banning me for being rarely to visit the nexus.


Banning the someone that said Transformers 3 is going to be bigger than The Dark Knight.



And also banning M. Night for ruining The Last Airbender.


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