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Ban for Fun


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Ban Vyper for confusing cannon (which is a weapon) with canon (which is the set lore/timeline by the creators).


I also ban Ironman because he knows that comic canon is mostly crap. Seriously New 52 is being canned, which shows how great DC is with canon.

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Banned Billy Boy for his ignorance (lol) and Broke for trying to suggest the latest movies including Dark Knight trilogy, Man of Steel, Iron Man 1/2...maybe 3 (wasn't that good), Captain America 1/2, Thor 1/2, Amazing Spider-Man 1/2 with the upcoming 3 involving the Insidious Six, Avengers with 3 films coming up involving an epic battle with the mighty Thanos (Josh Brolin FFS!) Guardians of the Galaxy, is all a bunch of crap like some sort of cultural snob :laugh:

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Ban Ironman for not understanding that I'm talking about the actual comic books that are published by DC and Marvel and not the movies, also because I hate the DC movie line up and Man of Steel is the biggest misrepresentation of Superman that is ever produced

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