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Ban for Fun


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Banned you Vyper because I saw you wanking under that building when you could be saving the world, that's the thing with you your overactive sex drive for leather clad gimps is distracting you from everyday tasks and frankly i'm getting concerned. I'm not saying you need help, but you know there's a time and place and a potential robot apocalypse is NOT the place!

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I ban brokenergy for typing while wearing explosive boxing gloves. Those things are dangerous!


Banned you Vyper because I saw you *censored*ing under that building

I wasn't *censored*ing, I was trying to make sure the ladies at the center that breeding ball of frat-serpents were there of their own volition! I had almost extricated myself when a certain "man in a can" decided to end a fight with an enormous green rage monster by bringing a wannabe skyscraper down on us all! I wasn't even aware of Ultron yet, because somebody forgot to send that particular message through the Avenger com-net.

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