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Ban for Fun


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Then you're banned. Bots are banned. Anything bot like is banned. Anything bannable is banned. And anything banned is henceforth banned. Along with reason. Which is also banned. 

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I ban you before I cast a spell that makes me think I am on a island beach on a warm sunny day, sitting on a lounge chair with an umbrella overhead.  Sipping from a tall glass with beads of moisture flowing down the sides.  Which when they drip on me it sends a chill up and down my spine.  Turning the tiny umbrella so it shades the ice better.

What was that?!  A magic snowball!!!

Well, that was short vacation!  LOL

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You forgot the virtual sunscreen and would get fried up into a little crispy fried thing as if you'd been hit with a fire bolt. Not using virtual sunscreen is impermissible under section 1101. d  sub sub sub sub sub sub section ix which you agreed to when you signed up 102 years ago... so, very sorry but


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I ban you and all your characters you have played in all the games you have played for having a LOT OF FUN.  You so deserve being given the Vulcan hand sign.  May you and your husband "Live Long and Prosper".

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I ban thanking me and ban the allowed game Wisdom in Six Words.  No one should know the secrets there.  I ban you if you look again.  LOL

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Hmmm I ban you for banning people for things they haven't as yet done or might do even if they don't do them. However, I agree that the rest of the forum shouldn't be allowed in the 'wisdom' bit until they have displayed appropriate wisdom by not going there in the first place. 

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Then I ban you for spelling incorrectly when you think that you've spelled correctly because perhaps you have. And doubt isn't allowed. Only ignorant assurance.


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I ban you because for FUN and memory training. first; I sounded the word out and spelled it phonetically.  Then spelled it correctly.  Then made up a new bunch of words into a wacky sentence. 


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