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Ban for Fun


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I ban you because I have recently taken another ad blocker to keep enjoying some online games without being harassed by adverts.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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I ban you because I watched the movie A Fish Called Wanda.  It was funny, and yet, I would have enjoyed it even more if I had seen it when I was in my twenties.

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I ban Otto for stuffing chips up Ken's nose cause I laughed while watching that part in the movie A Fish Called Wanda.

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I ban you because you could have been out gathering herbs and mushrooms to sell to witches to earn money so you could have had some money to rent or buy the movie; A Fish Called Wanda.

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Posted (edited)

I ban Pagafyr because There is no Witches to sell things to In North America as we have a very low level of wiccan people here so first I would need to make a boat and sail across the atlantic ocean then talk to the wiccan people in europe were there is a lot more of them, then I can talk to other Hellenistic Pagans like myself Win Win! 😃

Edited by Drakefell01
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I ban anyone who knows Spanish who is not willing to help me on my new forum:


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I ban Drakefell01 because you could join a website that Spanish people in Spain frequent and learn how to read and write Spanish while you apply your own stuff to get into playing your updated version of Skyrim with them.

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I ban Pagafyr because I told him I want to learn from an expert on Nexus nowhere else LOL

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