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I ban Drakefell01 because Games for Fun's threads apparently haven't attracted anyone who is a Spanish teacher or students.  Try posting in Skyrim's thread where there are more people whose attention is in that thread, looking for someone to do a mod for them or such.

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I ban Pagafyr because my post would be removed for not being related to the topic.

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I ban Drakefell01 if you help a Spanish person whose asking for help there without asking them to teach you Spanish you could learn while you discuss Skyrim modding and stuff.

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I could but first I need to learn some spanish, I ban you for telling me good facts!

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I ban Drakefell01 because we can only write Spanish here.  You have to find a Spanish person that is alive and willing to help you with speaking it.

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I ban Drakefell01 because that is funny writing in Spanish.  I can't read Spanish and yet I got the general idea of the words.  Then to make sure I did I used Google Translate to assure me I understood it well enough and I did.

Me prohíbes decirte que aquí nadie habla español. Solo lo escriben si no usan Google para traducir su idioma al inglés.  Did Google Translate do a good enough English to Spanish translation for me to you???

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Prohíbo a cualquiera que infrinja esta nueva regla:

De ahora en adelante post tanto en inglés como en español (si no sabes español solo usa el traductor de google)


I ban anyone who breaks this new rule:

From now on post both in english and spanish (if you don't know spanish just use google translate)


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No ban for banning banners is allowed unless alex2avs decides it.

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