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Ban for Fun


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ban monolithic for banning alex2avs

ban alex2avs for being cencerned as to the well being of his forum buddy wasder anf noticing it is Ancient Aeons b-day

ban wasder for knowing how i feel (it does suck :unsure: )

ban vicice for banning alex2avs for his vigilance

ban ancient aeon for getting old

ban my ex girl friend for being a cheater :wallbash:

and last bit certainly nto least

ban myself for not having her replaced yet

(oh replacement vengeance will be sweet haha)

now thats a page ban haha

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@ Harabec:


ban vicice for banning alex2avs for his vigilance


Banned because it was Monolithic who banned alex :whistling:


@ Mavrosh:


Banned because of a huge sig banner. :whistling:

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