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Ban for Fun


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Ban Proman for that really cool looking Oblivion sig.


Which looks great under that burning inferno of which is above your ban and now I ban...Hmm? Not banning Monolithic0117 because I don't get the reference that Getbacon is making either.


Were we having a conversation? Or just making banning for fun? I don't recall starting a conversation?!


Ban, ba ban, ban!


And now something completely different.


We return to our regularly scheduled program after the station break telling everyone to duck and cover for you never know when someone at the white house might might actually come home drunk and mistakenly push the red button by accident on the wall clock trying to turn off the alarm.


Here we are, "Dragnet with Jack Web, and Harry Morgan "the Colonel from 4077 MASH" were interogating, oop, I'm meaning "asking" the witness questions. Sargeant Friday was about to say, (camera fade to Jack Web) "Tthe Facts Mam, just the facts".

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