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Ban for Fun


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Banning Aeon for mis-spelling "Lounge". Banning Revens because typing "lol" as a post isn't productive at all, especially in this topic. Banning Pronam for being vicICE. Banning mafiaaman because bold text is evil.


Banning katshy because I can solve the mystery for you:


"A "glombi". Also known as a "bunchie"


A mysterious race of green llama-like creatures that do nothing but run. Glombi do not attack at regular rates though, they have been known to attack humans... especially small children of the plump kind. Their orgin is unknown and the only known picture is an animated gif curculating the internet. Other known facts about the glombi is that they are happy creatures and have tails which they shed after puberty. Singular for glombi, glombus. Most popular glombi are: Glomby, Glomulox, and Glomogins."


And last but not least, banning Omeletter because I left him out.

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