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LORE characters?


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Im new here and just wondering how many of you use LORE characters? what ideas do you guys have? I need a cool last name for my Breton, his first name is Obelisk, he was from a upper middle class family who has come to skyrim to expand his knowledge and attend the college of winterhold, he will help the imperials, thats all I got so far, il upload a photo later, but first I need to find a last name for him! any help would be appreciated! :D
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...and my redguard was called Mh'Ihrhra Al-Jihad.


With a name like that, I'm not surprised that the Empire stopped you at the border. ;)


I use the same name for all my characters in every game I play, so I can't be much help here. The only exception is the generic Nord I use to test mods. He's always called Pupu. Pupu the mighty Nord test monkey.

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I've gone through a ton of character names. Usually I end up spending more time naming my character than creating her face. I also don't like using the same name twice generally, because when I've played other games and done that, the character usually ends up being exactly the same as the last one with that name for all intents and purposes, and doesn't generally gain a higher level than the previous incarnation.


I usually try to match names with the race I'm playing too. Since I usually play Imperials, or Bretons, they've all been Latin/Italian or French/Celt. I did have one 'Alessia' named after the Saint, mainly because the generator I was using kept throwing up 'Mary' or numerous things that were related to the Virgin Mary, or towns that were famous for someone having see the Virgin Mary. I've also played a Breton with my actual name. That's always.. interesting. But then I get frustrated because I can't really make too many 'different' choices... (Like I can't tell a certain Priestess of Talos that no, Talos did not "found" the empire. He reinstated it for the 3rd time. Definite difference, you stupid, stupid woman). I think a Bosmer name was the hardest to come up with. I ended up consulting the Silmarillion, and making one up that 'looked' about right.


But for my current character (In Morrowind, and she's a Dunmer) I've just been using the same name. (Arha) But I also haven't gotten very far because I keep realizing I chose crappy crappy skills, or I made some irreversible mistake, and end up starting over. It doesn't seem to sound too out of place.


But in Skyrim, it's not like it ever even matters what your character's name is, because you will forever be the hero without a name. If people recognize you, it's because you're [insert title here]. So don't make my mistake and fret over it. :happy:

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My play character always has the same name.... points to avatar name which is close but not correct. it's supposed to have a ` in Meradin as in Mera`din but the fact that that brings up the console I have to use Mera'din which technically has a whole different sound :tongue:


My test characters are all originally inspired and named Test :thumbsup:


Whether or not my character's name is 'lore' or not I have no clue. To me, the lore comes from the back story you decide to make up for your character... if you make one up.

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I usually name my game characters after characters I've created to write about, because I really lack imagination. My original Skyrim character was a Breton named Lashacrimos Telvanni (because he had a great great great grandmother who was a Telvanni Dunmer... Yeah, it was complicated and lame.) Orrrr I name them after fictional characters Skyrim has a female Altmer named Kai, and my Oblivion character was named Draco. And if all ele fails I use my real name (Lythande. It sounds fantastic enough I think)


Like I said, I lack imagination... ^^;


Last time I made one though I actually used the Tamriel Rebuilt name generator for fifty Breton male names and then I combined aspects of them and came up with Arnandre. So I say if you want a really lore-friendly names, get hte name generator and be inspired. It's the only way I come up with anything vaguely appropriate.

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