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Best race for Thief?


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Bosmer, Khajiit, or argonian. It really doesn't matter in the end just pick the race that you like the best. I've made an imperial thief and have been successful, an Orc wizard in Oblivion (where it actually mattered a slight bit).
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A bit of stealing from the IGN website here. My opinions are in italics.


Argonians start with 25 in Lockpicking, 20 in Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, and Sneak.

Histskin : Invoke the power of the Hist to recover health ten times faster for 60 seconds.

Resist Disease : Your Argonian blood is 50% resistant to disease.

Water Breathing : Your Argonian Lungs can breath underwater.

(It is also rumored that argonians can swim faster than the other races)


No bonus to combat skills which might take a while to catch up on. A couple of magical bonuses if you want to branch out with magical armour (it's a bit noisy though) or heal yourself and turn undead. Histskin could save your scales if things turn bad, if only once a day.


Khajiit start with 25 in Sneak, 20 in Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and One-handed.

Night Eye :Improved night vision for 60 seconds.

Claws : Khajiit claws do 15 points of damage.


Best starting sneak bonus and a smaller bonus to archery and one-handed weapons stand out here for a balanced combat-oriented sneak straight off. A little bonus to alchemy too so you don't have to chomp as many ingredients before you can start to make some nasty poisons. Night eye could be quite useful in finding items in dark areas, probably not that big a deal for combat as it's never really that dark. I'm not sure about claws, the damage stated is higher than the base damage of early iron weapons but I don't know about how the effect compares after you factor in the one-hand skill. Probably my favourite race bonus-wise as it can be hard to level up one-handed when sneaking and those five levels take the edge off training a little bit.


Wood Elves start with 25 in Archery, 20 in Alchemy, Light Armor, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and Sneak.

Command Animal : Make an animal an ally for 60 seconds.

Resist Disease and Poison : Your Bosmer blood gives you 50% resistance to poison and disease.


Great start in archery, one of my favourite skills. Alchemy bonus again. Bit of a plus to light armour for when the enemy get too close. Great also If you're like me and don't want a tail =p.


What you should really do is what Frakle said. Choose a race you like the look of or that has the most interesting lore to you that you can imagine being a master sneakthief and possibly merciless assassin.

Hope this helps,


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A bit of stealing from the IGN website here. My opinions are in italics.


Argonians start with 25 in Lockpicking, 20 in Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, and Sneak.

Histskin : Invoke the power of the Hist to recover health ten times faster for 60 seconds.

Resist Disease : Your Argonian blood is 50% resistant to disease.

Water Breathing : Your Argonian Lungs can breath underwater.

(It is also rumored that argonians can swim faster than the other races)


No bonus to combat skills which might take a while to catch up on. A couple of magical bonuses if you want to branch out with magical armour (it's a bit noisy though) or heal yourself and turn undead. Histskin could save your scales if things turn bad, if only once a day.


Khajiit start with 25 in Sneak, 20 in Alchemy, Archery, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and One-handed.

Night Eye :Improved night vision for 60 seconds.

Claws : Khajiit claws do 15 points of damage.


Best starting sneak bonus and a smaller bonus to archery and one-handed weapons stand out here for a balanced combat-oriented sneak straight off. A little bonus to alchemy too so you don't have to chomp as many ingredients before you can start to make some nasty poisons. Night eye could be quite useful in finding items in dark areas, probably not that big a deal for combat as it's never really that dark. I'm not sure about claws, the damage stated is higher than the base damage of early iron weapons but I don't know about how the effect compares after you factor in the one-hand skill. Probably my favourite race bonus-wise as it can be hard to level up one-handed when sneaking and those five levels take the edge off training a little bit.


Wood Elves start with 25 in Archery, 20 in Alchemy, Light Armor, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and Sneak.

Command Animal : Make an animal an ally for 60 seconds.

Resist Disease and Poison : Your Bosmer blood gives you 50% resistance to poison and disease.


Great start in archery, one of my favourite skills. Alchemy bonus again. Bit of a plus to light armour for when the enemy get too close. Great also If you're like me and don't want a tail =p.


What you should really do is what Frakle said. Choose a race you like the look of or that has the most interesting lore to you that you can imagine being a master sneakthief and possibly merciless assassin.

Hope this helps,



Thank you, this really does help ^^

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As mentioned, any race can really max Thief skills. I tend to do the opposite of most here and select races for non-Thief bonuses. There is some benefit to having bonuses outside your primary class, for instance, Breton magic resistance. Actually DOING Thief stuff will raise Thief skills and perks rapidly. But there are always the inevitable situations where you wish you had a little more stamina, a little more melee clout, or a little more magic resistance. Choosing an apparently "wrong" race can give you a little more rounded character. I mean, there is nothing to stop you from building an Orc Thief, and maybe a little emergency melee prowess to gain. IMHO. Good luck on your build in any case.
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