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Just put together a quick and dirty solution so people can start modding.


Put the modpatcher.exe and the DefaultGameCore.mod in the Xcom\binaries\win32 directory

When executed it will copy the original file as xcom-modded.exe

Then it will patch the new settings provided by DefaulGamecore.mod into xcom-modded.exe



Download 0.1 outdated


If you find a bug let me know, its a dirty way but it should work for now.


If you are curious feel free to decompile it, no obfuscation.







Found a heavy bug, back to 0.1 i guess :/




The Patcher will backup the original file as xcom-orginal.exe

Then the provided mod file will be patched into the XComGame.exe

This should solve the Problems with steam


Patcher accepts mod file as commandline arg


modpatcher test.mod

will patch the provided test.mod into the binary

Start the Game within steam should work now



Added sample Batchfile


Download 0.11 outdated





Download 0.12


Fixed Backup Management so it wont copy a Modified binarie over the backup

Patcher will now use backup files as modbase if it find an backup

Added Logging, will log to log.txt



As there are many changes this version could make problems, if you encounter any please leave a message :)


As requested Dropbox DL

Download 0.12 Dropbox

Edited by dreadylein
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No clue if this works or do I have Xcom, but for any one worrying about downloading a strange file only linked on the forums but this is the results from online scan using multiple virus scanners showing no dodgy results. GL with the tool hopefully Xcom modding will pick up with extra tools being made :)
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Thanks falloutbr :)


@all the people who downloaded it, it would help if you could give me just a little feedback, if you encounter a problem say it, if you dont encounter a problem say it.

Dont have a clue if this even works at other pcs which is quite frustrating after over 100 Downloads ;)

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Well, the 0.1 version worked like a charm for me... I used it to change a few parameters like Skyranger capacity and starting soldier number and no problems so far. I am using Windows 7 with the steam version, along with the new patch that came out on the 11th.
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  • Community Manager
Really nice work. Any chance once you're comfortable you could upload it to XCOM Nexus? It would provide a central area for comments, download counts and stuff and make it easier for people to find :)
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cant download it without haivng to register for a fee-orientated account at file-hosts ;-(


nm, ignore that.


typical huh? try for 20 minutes and get nowhere, complain, hit F5 and it downloads... lol


(same/simplified method of/as using resource hacker I take it?)

Edited by Anbar
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