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Shouldn't America be flooded in the Fallout games?


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I randomly thought to myself "global warming", then "Fallout" and I started thinking if America would flood if the bombs like in the fallout games would it have made global warming much worse, and lowered America a little bit making America, and flooded some other countries? I don't know, but I think if something that big were to happen, global warming would be a big issue, especially since global warming would probably already be pretty bad by then. I just was wondering about this, thanks.

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Global or regional clima changes can come from different reasons, like changes of the axis of earth, volcanic activities, solar activities and so on. There are a lot of quite reliable data which tell us that the current global warning, despite what people like Trump and Co. say, is mainly caused by humans. Since about 250 years a very very small but constant add to atmospheric gases, like carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide, comes from human activity. It is increasing in the last decades, because of economic growth all over the world. Like a bathtub with an open tab with a tiny little bit of dropping, sooner or later it would slop over.


However in the Fallout world most energy came from atomic power plants which do not emit considerable amounts of the so-called greenhouse gases. So there shouldn't be the same problems with man-made global warming we face.


Wether the nuclear war changed climate considerably? First there would have been a Nuclear Winter, which wouldn't have been a deep freeze ice age with thousands of metres of ice but a drop of temperature of about 10 degrees, making plant life and agriculture a lot more difficult. After some decades the winter would go away, presumably. I don't know what would happen then. In Fallout 4 the Commonwealth seems to be rather hot and humid, at least Caith is constantly mourning the heat. However I don't think human activity in the post-apo world would add a lot of greenhouse gases. There are a lot less of people around (and a lot is also constantly killed by the player hero in addition, too :wink: ), economy is down, so, nice time for nature, bad time for humans. In real the Commonwealth would be a lot greener, and the buildings and streets more overgrown and decayed after 200 years (look at the nature and buildings in Pripjat near the Chernobyl power plant, a mere 30 years after desertion).

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