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DarN Ui Oversized Fonts


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With Fallout 3 Darnified you dont need to edit the Ini's as installing via NMM does this automaticially. Ensure you install mods properly in future.


The likely cause of the problem is Unified Hud if you use it. Make sure Unified Hud detects all of the modifications you have active. Previously on NV I had the same problem and it was due to Unified Hud not detecting Hud's due to installing Darnified in the wrong order.


Essentially, install your Hud modifications like so;


Install the Darnified UI fomod via NMM in administrator mode.


(Optional) Install FWE and then the FWE primary needs Hud patch for Darnified UI if you use FWE, these ALWAYS must be done before other modifications.


Install any other Hud modifications EXCEPT Immersive Hud, Hud mods such as Stimpak counter or POV Helm or IMPS more complex needs etc should be done now.


After all of your Hud modifications are installed run the Unified Hud modifcation and then run Immersive Hud if you use it.


IMPORTANT, this is where your Hud will cock up if you do not follow these exact instructions.


When adding a new Hud mod first uninstall Immersive, then unified and THEN install the new mod


Once that is done you can safely reinstall unified and reinstall Immersive.


If you do not do in that order your darnified will screw up.


Source? A whole Saturday of fighting Darnified UI on New Vegas because it was doing the exact same thing.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm using Mod Organizer and am getting this issue, I tried all of your guys' methods plus ones I've found surfing the web. The font is still extremely huge and ugly. I've gotten this mod to work before I reinstalled my game, but can't get it to work now. Any advice will be appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm using Mod Organizer and am getting this issue, I tried all of your guys' methods plus ones I've found surfing the web. The font is still extremely huge and ugly. I've gotten this mod to work before I reinstalled my game, but can't get it to work now. Any advice will be appreciated.

Oh, I met the same issue as yours, and I was using MO too...


There are 3 screenshots in this previous comment, which are exactly the same ones I saw in my game:


I'm having the same issue.






I'm not really sure what i'm meant to be editing to fix this..


See, the quit button is cut off but i can still click it which isn't a big issue for me. But then the fonts are all messed up and i just upgraded to a11 and did the hotfix but that didn't work either.

I also tried copy and pasting everything from the my games .ini to my directory .ini but that didn't work either.


Any ideas?

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Hello guys, (excuse my bad english)


I think i've found a fix for Mod Organaizer users, apperently when you launch the game from MO fallout3 DOENS'T use my documents/my games/fallout3/fallout.ini


Apperently the game uses a MO created INI file, this mean you need to use the built in INI editor ( it's the button on top with the simbol of 4 puzzle pieces).


I've used that editor to make changes to the MO created INI file ... and DarnUI just works propely (at least for me).


I used this tweak:




PS: not sure why but the first time i tried to use the built in INI editor it told me it couldn't save the changes i made ... i made a new profile closed and opened MO again and worked fine .... wierd

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Hello guys, (excuse my bad english)


I think i've found a fix for Mod Organaizer users, apperently when you launch the game from MO fallout3 DOENS'T use my documents/my games/fallout3/fallout.ini


Apperently the game uses a MO created INI file, this mean you need to use the built in INI editor ( it's the button on top with the simbol of 4 puzzle pieces).


I've used that editor to make changes to the MO created INI file ... and DarnUI just works propely (at least for me).


I used this tweak:


















PS: not sure why but the first time i tried to use the built in INI editor it told me it couldn't save the changes i made ... i made a new profile closed and opened MO again and worked fine .... wierd

many thanks!

I'll try when I get home today:)

But hearing MO doesn't use the INI file under 'My Games' makes me confused, if so, many mods have to change this file to work well, will this feature of MO break those mods? And to my surprise, in MO INI editor I saw 'bInvalidateOlderFiles=0', so even the 'ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated ' utility didn't work on it, in this case those mods need to invalidate ArchiveInvalidation can NOT work now right?

I guess the MO uses its own INI file because of it supports multiple profiles, so the original INI file was only a template for each profile...

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finally DUI works for me, but using MO still gets some glitches, for example, I installed iHUD and aHUD after DUI, they can NOT detect DUI during the installation, and they seem to overwrite some files in DUI, so the HUD is still the same size as before, but my menu, dialogue and stuff in Pipboy looks much better now

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Yeah i know, the only way i found to fix that is to use nexus mod manager and point it to a fake fallout installation (you can do that by creating a folder with only the fallout.exe, fallout.ini and data/fallout.esm inside) install mods that use HUD files (iHUD aHud project nevada DUI unifiedHUD etc) inside that fake folder....


then take all the file that you find in the fake data folder (exept for fallout.esm) and make the into a .7z file and load it into MO


I installed DUI, oHUD (which is iHUD and aHUD combined), project nevada, the MCM, a couple of JIP mods and unifiedHUD that way and they all work ... (i havent tested them too much though)


that's the only way i found on the internet, it's a bit annoying but it worked.


Edit: now that i notice my installation is working but some fonts are a bit misaligned, totally readable but just a little off center.

Edited by xXBerticXx
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  • 1 month later...

For those who are still aving the issue, try editing all the fallout.ini files you've got on your computer, and especially the Fallout_default.ini, whih is located in the installation directory (x:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 3 goty). Delete any [Fonts] section you find and replace it with the text below. It worked for me.

Edited by Erew0n
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  • 6 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I had DarNified UI installed for a while now and I never had any of the problems that were mentioned here until I uninstalled it an reinstalled it to add some UI mods.


Now I get that "quit cut in half" issue out of nowhere. I've edited all 3 of my INIs even though 2 of them didn't even have any font section so I just threw it in and I've double checked mod load order and it's still happening.


Wtf is going on?...

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