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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted, but they're in a really expensive expansion pack that will kill your budget for the rest of the year.


I wish the US would go metric.

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I wish loud sound systems for automobiles had never been invented.

I agree totally with you on this.

And now, back to the regularly scheduled thread topic:


Wish granted, but now we have no warning the twits are in the neighbourhood

I wish they would change the title of "The Last Poster Wins" thread to "The Last Poster Proves He Has No Life"

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I agree but this is not the thread that we shall be using


Granted, but you got onto the band wagon and joined in


I wish that someone replied to my job offers

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Wish granted: their reply says "we're sorry to inform you that..." etc.


I wish sand flies didn't exist.


I wish they would change the title of "The Last Poster Wins" thread to "The Last Poster Proves He Has No Life"

Hahahahaha :laugh:

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Granted, they become hornets. The newly transformed hornets are enraged by their transformation and target you for revenge. You are immune to the damage caused by their sting, but still feel the full force of the pain.


I wish I hadn't clicked the "spoilers" tab in billyro's signature. I followed it all the way to the end (it took a while).

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Granted. Billyro changed his signature to something more conventional before you could explore it, and the mystery of what lay within those spoiler tags will torment you to your dying day.



I wish I didn't feel sick today.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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Granted. They're all hyperinflated old Zimbabwean dollars, which were worth about 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th of a US dollar each when Zimbabwe officially abandoned its currency in 2009.


I wish I could safely visit Mars.

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