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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted, but the freeway is only usable for one day each year, you have to reserve time on it at least a year in advance, and all slots are currently reserved for the next 42 years.


I wish I could bend time & space so I could travel instantly to any destination I chose.

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Granted. Unfortunately, you are unable to unbend them afterword, and the resulting permanent spatial distortions wreak havok with the universe.


I wish my previous post hadn't crossed with brokenergy's post.

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Granted, but now your university is thought of as "lazy", their funding is cut drastically, they're given equipment that is so outdated it should be in a museum, the professors don't know anything about the subjects they're supposed to teach, the students learn nothing, and graduates are considered a joke by the professional world and never allowed to work in their desired fields. But at least you're well-rested.


I wish mother nature would stop going through menopause.

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Granted, now she's reverted back to puberty. Well, we're in trouble;

having to deal with that again, and the monthly cycles, and finally back to menopause.

I wish I had thought of The_Vyper's line: "I wish mother nature would stop going through menopause."

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Granted. But you completely forgot it the instant you clicked in the Reply box.


I wish I had $100,000,000 in a normal, non-deflated currency.

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Granted. Unfortunately, their remote connections for that are slower than dial-up, to the point where it's actually faster to put the assignments on removable media and bring them in yourself.


I wish my cat was a bit younger and more active. (He's still as nice as ever, but he's 17 and showing his age.)

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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