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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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I wish my P.C. games were free.

Granted, but the game's DRM is more actively intrusive and annoying than the Microsoft Paperclip.


I wish the shoppettes on Camps Casey and Hovey hadn't stopped selling Pomegranate Jelly Belly jellybeans... I'm down to just a few inches left in the jar.

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Wish granted, but being out of ideas you're brain becomes useless, and you spend the rest of your days getting kicked by people you beg to.


I wish Thor's brain was useful again.

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Wish granted you play it all the time i mean all the time, you miss work and your friends abandon you and your family thinks your crazy and have issues and you do, they try to talk you into going outside but you refuse and you can't stop playing. After a month of none stop playing your family takes you away from your pc and you start to cry and your hands move like if you where playing still, kreepy. At the "mental hospital" they try everything to make you come back to reality but everything fails.


i wish ratchet and clank crack in time was out.

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Wish granted, but it's for a water tank on top of a building in New York City.


I wish I could remember what I was going to wish for

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