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Master Training quests won't start

Lord Valarian

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I'm baffled some training quests won't start. Block master training should start at 70. I'm at 70 nothing happens when I get to the advanced trainer. I'v checked the quests and scripts nothing is different. The corral trainer and the skingrad advanced trainer don't have the topic. I'm at the right TOD for both. Need help! :P


I can get a boss report, if needed.

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Sorry guys, you're wrong on this one. Once you reach 70 on a skill you can go to one of the advanced trainers and get the referral for master training. Looking specifically at block master training there are a couple of problems. Ambroise Canne has problems with his AI packages (supposed to be corrected by the UOP) and once they are corrected he's not available to offer training (or recommendations) while praying, eating, sleeping or working in the vineyard. He's another one of those you need to catch at just the right time. Your best bet is Lum gro-Baroth in Chorrol ... catch him any time he's not eating or sleeping.


- Edit - Here's the UESP Wiki link for Training.

Edited by Striker879
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Sorry guys, you're wrong on this one. Once you reach 70 on a skill you can go to one of the advanced trainers and get the referral for master training. Looking specifically at block master training there are a couple of problems. Ambroise Canne has problems with his AI packages (supposed to be corrected by the UOP) and once they are corrected he's not available to offer training (or recommendations) while praying, eating, sleeping or working in the vineyard. He's another one of those you need to catch at just the right time. Your best bet is Lum gro-Baroth in Chorrol ... catch him any time he's not eating or sleeping.


- Edit - Here's the UESP Wiki link for Training.


Well, yes and no, actually. :tongue: I have always run a heavily modded game, official and otherwise, and the wiki also says:


"Several official plug-ins add additional trainers, most of whom do not fit into the standard basic/advanced/master categories. For example, some plug-in trainers will train from 0-75, instead of 0-70."


I have always (as far as I can remember clearly) come across master trainers at level 75 -- I always assumed it went: 0-25 --> 25-50 --> 50-75 --> 75-100. That has been my experience, given my setup, anyway.

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