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Trying to get FO4VR working with mods.


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I have FO4SEVR installed in the way it says to. I start it up with Steam VR enabled. I get a loading screen as if the game is about to start but then I get dumped back to the "lounge" on the headset with the desktop having no error messages at all.



Having not tried modding for ages, is this normal? I distinctly remember that it used to give you errors if the game crashed, so I am trying to figure out what is happening.



Forgot to mention, the game loads up normally fine. And the few mods I have been able to tell if they're working from quick tests (ie alternate start and a few new weapon pack mods) are all working fine. I just would like to get FOSE working as I think some of my mods need it though I don't actually recall...



I used Vortex like the lazy asshole that I am to install most of the mods. I notice that FO4VR now has a F4SE folder in it that I didn't add. Does vortex automatically have a script extender in it?

Edited by MahAyss
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