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Great Rare Mods?


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Im wondering if anyone knows of some great mods that are like hidden gems, Im really into new world mods. I know of most of the well known and a few rares i've stumbled upon. For example Nova Skyrim isle was a great mod but i cant even find it anymore.


What are some of you guys/gals favorite rarity's you have found?

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Well, a few 'new lands' mods have recently been released: Black Marsh, Valenwood, Skygerfall, Midwood Isle. You could check those out.
Maelstrom is also a new quest mod that is custom voiced and involves delving into a challenging dungeon with old-school rules.

The 'new lands' mod category actually has a pretty narrow selection, I suggest just looking here:

EDIT: I don't know if it counts as rare, but I did download Dwemer Fairies SSE for a little while and enjoyed it XD.

Edited by sentinel1313
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