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Hi all, thinking of playing again, suggest me some mods.


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Hi all I am thinking of playing oblivion again, kinda getting boreds of skyrim with all the features it lacks compared to oblivion, anyway, I am looking for some mods to make the game more fun. I will list what types I am looking for.. I have oblivion and all dlcs/expansions. Going to be starting a entirely new char, preferablly fo a cute female custom race, byt vanallia bretons work too.


Overhauls, really looking for the best general overhaul there is, that changes perks, combat, magic, new dungeons and items and all other aspects kinda like skyrim redone for skyrim.


Realistic leveling to use with said overhaul, or some mod so I don't have to watch what skills i raise to get the stats I want on level up.


Graphical mods, I have a fairly decent pc (i5-2310, 8gb ram geforce gtx560 1gb) So come at me bro/sis, looking for world, critter and race graphical mods, especally one that makes the female chars not look like they hit every branch in the fugly tree.


Looking for a race mod that adds a new race to the game that has a cute/hot female version, preferably that has some useful racials.


Mod that makes vampires not so stupid/annoying to be, Stuff like no sun damage (but maybe weakened stat bonuses while in sunlight) be stronger when fed (why oblivion/skyrim is the opposite is beyond me, vamps in history/lore always are stronger when fed and weaker when starving) I knwo there was one mod where, your blood capacity would go up as you fed so you'd have to feed less often and your vampire bonuses would get stronger as it passed certan thresholds, it also, had something that controled how fast you use up the blood over time, as you fed less you need to feed less often and such. Also need a vamp mod so I can retain my chars normal apparence, except maybe the eyes.


Bascally other than these looking for mods that removes some fo the annoyences of the game, like collecting alch ingredients, mods that make stuff like potions that are playermade weightless.


A UI mod be nice too but I am probally going to use darnified UI, I am pretty sure I used this UI before.


Any suggestions will be checked otu especally if you post a link to it on the nexus or whereever the mod is located at.


Thanks all for helping to make my oblivion experence better.


P.s. I'd also like a mod that lets you continue playing after the main quest, kinda like the fallout 3 one you used to need before I think broken steel..

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  • Overhaul: Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul
  • Leveling: Oblivion XP
  • Graphics: Unique Landscapes, Better Cities, Quarls Textures
  • Races: There are a gazillion of them!
  • Vampires: Never played as one... sorry
  • Tweaks: See the tweak options in Wrye Bash -- you're going to need it (and BOSS) anyhow
  • UI mod: DarkUI DarN

I don't have the links handy, but they're all easily found.

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I'll share with you my top ten:



1. Companion Vilja by: Emma - this mod is the one I would load first before all others. Vilja is an exceptional companion unlike any other. The comments Vilja are priceless "What was that noise, was it a vampire?"

2. Oblivion Sound Sets PCSoundHaerDalis by: brucevayne - to give my avatar a proper voice. There are several voices to choose from.

3. Dark UI 2.40 by Darkbirdy & DarNified UI (by DarN) & Immersive Interface (by Harfleur) - no if ands or buts this is the UI gold standard trio

4. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul - danger, danger, danger! Several great quests included. Light of Dawn alone would be enough to load this mod.

5. Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - OOO not enough, take this and that and then some more

6. Crimson Scar Armor by: Sultericdrums or Caine's Outfit by: leomorg - how I want my leather armor to look. Both have the armor Cain's Outfit has the hat.

7. kuertee Inventory Is A Backpack - your got to carry your stuff in something don't cha know

8. HGEC Body= Hentai Gentlemen's EyeCandy - want your lady companions looking good don't you? Of course you do.

9. Elvenguardt! The Armour of the Noldor by Arynn and Maximus D.M. - if done early this is one hard fight but the loot is worth it

10. Viconia DeVir - The Underdark Saga. by: Sulteric Drums - she's bold, aggressive and takes what she wants. Requires TRoN.

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Just be aware that Mart's Monster Mod and Francesco's are not Oblivion overhauls, they are mass monster (some out of character) adding mods. Also, unless you like unrealistically shaped females, HGEC is not the best female body replacer, it's just the most popular (goodness knows why). If you do, then go for it.


Note to self: 'I really must try that Viconia DeVir mod, as I'm with her in The Underdark in Baldur's Gate II right now!'

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One think you can do in Oblivion is change the .ini to allow for quick leveling. Open the file in Notepad, press Control-F and search for "instantlevelup". Change the 0 to a 1. It'll still say you should rest and meditate, but the level-up screen appears immediately.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all I am thinking of playing oblivion again, kinda getting boreds of skyrim with all the features it lacks compared to oblivion, anyway, I am looking for some mods to make the game more fun. I will list what types I am looking for.. I have oblivion and all dlcs/expansions. Going to be starting a entirely new char, preferablly fo a cute female custom race, byt vanallia bretons work too.


Overhauls, really looking for the best general overhaul there is, that changes perks, combat, magic, new dungeons and items and all other aspects kinda like skyrim redone for skyrim.


Realistic leveling to use with said overhaul, or some mod so I don't have to watch what skills i raise to get the stats I want on level up.


Graphical mods, I have a fairly decent pc (i5-2310, 8gb ram geforce gtx560 1gb) So come at me bro/sis, looking for world, critter and race graphical mods, especally one that makes the female chars not look like they hit every branch in the fugly tree.


Looking for a race mod that adds a new race to the game that has a cute/hot female version, preferably that has some useful racials.


Mod that makes vampires not so stupid/annoying to be, Stuff like no sun damage (but maybe weakened stat bonuses while in sunlight) be stronger when fed (why oblivion/skyrim is the opposite is beyond me, vamps in history/lore always are stronger when fed and weaker when starving) I knwo there was one mod where, your blood capacity would go up as you fed so you'd have to feed less often and your vampire bonuses would get stronger as it passed certan thresholds, it also, had something that controled how fast you use up the blood over time, as you fed less you need to feed less often and such. Also need a vamp mod so I can retain my chars normal apparence, except maybe the eyes.


Bascally other than these looking for mods that removes some fo the annoyences of the game, like collecting alch ingredients, mods that make stuff like potions that are playermade weightless.


A UI mod be nice too but I am probally going to use darnified UI, I am pretty sure I used this UI before.


Any suggestions will be checked otu especally if you post a link to it on the nexus or whereever the mod is located at.


Thanks all for helping to make my oblivion experence better.


P.s. I'd also like a mod that lets you continue playing after the main quest, kinda like the fallout 3 one you used to need before I think broken steel..

Why don't you just check it out for yourself you lazy ****!

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Hi all I am thinking of playing oblivion again, kinda getting boreds of skyrim with all the features it lacks compared to oblivion, anyway, I am looking for some mods to make the game more fun. I will list what types I am looking for.. I have oblivion and all dlcs/expansions. Going to be starting a entirely new char, preferablly fo a cute female custom race, byt vanallia bretons work too.




Why don't you just check it out for yourself you lazy ****!


What was the point of that? After your previous two pieces of dubious 'advice', I am beginning to smell troll... or alcohol... or both.

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The Vampire one you're thinking of is "Blood is Everything" http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/33767 . I have just gotten it myself. ^^ (Well, last week. Interestingly I am in just the same position as you, tired of half-finished Skyrim. Download that one manually, I had a heck of a time trying to make it work with NMM.)


Because of the mods I downloaded I have to get a massive race compilation, modular beautiful people, but it's not on here so I don't think I can link it. One race that stood out to me from it though was the Moonshadow Elves http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/30707 . Even the males are beautiful. :wub: (Geared toward assassins, not sure if that suits you.)


And for leveling I use Pure Immersion http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/13677 (skills level up your attributes directly) + Skill Decay http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/36313 (more realistic) + Fundament http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/41005 (tweaks skills and rates through a series of INIs - not very much description on the page, but if you read the readmes and the comments in he INIs you can figure it out)


I'm sorry you were getting some not-to-helpful replies, I hope this is more useful to you than astrixed cussing.


Edit: Should probably have looked at the original post date before replying.... Oh well I suppose.

Edited by AnkhAscendant
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