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Changed my drives and now Vortex can't create a mod/download folder


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I buyed new SSD drives and reinstalled steam and skyrim on it. Now i installed Vortex and was able to find skyrim without problems.


Now to the problem:


I can't create the mod or staging Folder, because Vortex wants to move the old one to that place, but the old drive is gone.



So it is obvious that Vortex can't find the old folder. But how can i make the new one without it ?


I don't want to create a mess and change my drive name from X to D just for it.


Thank you !



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So when you go to change the drive with the screenshot I posted, you get the two screenshots above?

When you click on the folder (BELOW) to browse to a new Mod Staging Folder, you get your screenshot? (ABOVE?)





If the D drive doesn't exist anymore, have you tried going to this screen and removing the Drive from the Scan?


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yes i did remove the drive from the scan there and moved X into it.


Yes i have left them installed, is that the Problem ? How can i repair it ?



You should've uninstalled them BEFORE you went and changed everything.


Since you changed everything outside of Vortex, Vortex has no way of knowing what you did.


This isn't a Vortex problem, this is a You changed the whole system without Vortex knowing and it's still trying to do its job.


You need to uninstall Vortex and start over

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Found the solution now.


If you first time open it after installing it ask after the stagging Folder, i pressed Reinitialize, but that is wrong.


I Need to click on browse and just create a new Folder inside the Vortex Sub Folder and it is fine.


Thank you HadToRegister, i needed a few trys to find it out.

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