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circumventing 255 mod limit


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I was told the limit to active plugins is actually 253, but regardless, I want to know how to load more. I'm told something can be jury rigged with wyrebash (I have a ton of tiny convenience mods that don't do much but eat a plugin slot that I'd love to consolidate). I know literally nothing about how to do that. Can someone walk me through in an idiot proof step by step?

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You can convert a lot of mods to ESL flagged,which means they dont take up a load order slot when game is running.So you can go over the limit.


Theres a how to here:



You can copy multiple mods that only change a few things into a new ESP in SSEEDIT-select the records ,right click and choose "copy as overide into" Box will appear -select new esp and name it.

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